Chapter 11

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A/N: I tried to make it a longer chapter so enjoy

You awoke to nothing. It was quiet, too quiet for your peace of mind. You quickly and quietly get out of bed and throw on your military jacket over your night gown. You creep around the bed, you had slept on the left side closet to the window for a quick escape if need be. Keeping low and silent you keep your eyes trained on the door and move over to the cabinet on the far wall to the bed. You jump behind it back toward the door now and listened... still no noise. It was unusual for a city of this size and a hotel of such stature to be completely silent in the morning.

You look out from behind the cabinet and stare at the door for a hot second before reaching and slipping the door open on the cupboard and retrieving your pistol from the pair of jeans you had wore the day before. You cock it and move stealthily towards the door. You stop gracefully putting your back against the wall on the side of the door opposite of the hinges. Slowly you turned the handle and let the door drift open on its own. Even with the door open there was not a single sound

"where the hell is everyone" you thought out loud. You held your gun up ready and peered out the door into the hall way. Nothing. You relaxed only slightly stepping out into the hall gun still raised and ready. You step silently but at this point you wondered what even was the point. There was no one, unless this was all just one huge set up, but even then, you should have been able to hear the people in the streets but it was utterly still. You walk through the halls checking every floor but not bothering with the rooms, if anyone were to come out of one now you'd hear it long before. You soon find yourself outside standing in the berend street. Nothing still, not a tumble weed not a bird chirp nothing. You had at this point dropped your gun no longer tense and ready to fight but now scared. What had happened to all the people.

You started running through the streets tears starting to well up in your eyes. You were alone, being alone wasn't the thing that bothered you, it was the suddenness of the situation. The day before the streets were packed so tightly with people it was hard to move and now there was nothing. Not even carts where merchants had once stood shouting to gain sales. Then as you ran past a street you saw the flicker of blue go behind the building at the end of the street, not just any blue, it was the distinctive military uniform blue. Your eye light up a little as you book it down the street yelling trying to get their attention

You reach the end of the street and see the back of a very familiar black-haired man.

"Colonel?!?" you almost shout with joy. He turns at the sound of your voice

"(Y/N)?" he looked at you inquisitively "what's the matter?"

You drop into a sprint as you raced to him, grabbing onto him you began to sob into his chest

"Oh Colonel, I was so scared. Something is very wrong, there's no people in this city anymore" you sputtered out now shaking. He warps his arm around you pulling you into an embrace. Slowly you start to calm down and she starts to stroke your (H/L) (H/C) hair. You soon stopped crying and just stood there in the embrace

"it's okey (Y/N), It's okey." That... That wasn't the Colonel's voice.

You looked up seeing the streaks of long dark green hair sprouting from there head. Envy. You scream and began to fight trying to break free of there grasp as they start to laugh maniacally

"Oh, you poor, poor stupid girl. Did you really expect your beloved Colonel to be here to save you? Hmm but I've gotta hand it to you, you got some pretty fine tastes. Like the Colonel himself, you naughty girl."

You stop struggling for a second at that last comment. What had he meant by that. You weren't in love with the Colonel but before you could finish you though Envy had thrown you to the ground hard knocking you gun out of your hand and sending it across the ground. He walked over to it and picked it up, examining it

"Poor thing, never getting to say good bye to her lover. Well bye bye." And with that he pointed to gun at you and smiled waving a hand goodbye


You woke with a start, sun pouring in the window nearly blinding you..... you sigh in relief, it was just a dream.

Author note: that you guys so much. Its because you guys I'm continuing this story, all your reads and comments and likes on my story really inspired me to finish it. 

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