AN/I Don't Know Anymore

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So Yay. It's been over a year since I've updated this story or even been on watt pad it seems. there's a lot of things I've been internalizing about this story... for starters lets face the facts. its a grammatical nightmare but to be fair with myself I started this story while I was 15 and that was 5 ish years ago. obviously there is no excuses but I appreciate everyone's understanding in the past. along with that I'm sure people notice I never update it regularly. a huge part of that is interest shifts, I just lost interest in FMA somewhere along the way and that made it really hard to keep writing about it while having other interests in other fandoms, and as bad as an excuse as it is i just cant keep the magic systems, story, characters, and all the other stuff that comes with a story line  straight from fandom to fandom as is and being more interested in whatever I'm into at the time and then trying to switch to the FMA fandom and re-remember every little detail to make sure the story is as immersive and proper as i can make it and to then try and make more story with these guide lines has just put a real block on creativity along with real life crap and lets say its been a fun time just getting up in the mornings let alone write a 5 year old fanfiction. I'm not trying to say any of this for a "boo who look at me feel bad for me" cry for attention cause its really not, I'm the one responsible for this so here is me trying to take that responsibility, if your upset, be upset. I completely understand  

I'm not just here to explain my struggles, I've been working on myself and so I've been getting a bit better, and I'm focusing better and I feel I can once again start trying to write this story again. it might be slow cause I'm not going to pressure myself but I'm trying to slowly do more things I find fun and I do find writing this story fun, if done the right way. I'm not 15 anymore, I have a better grasp of grammar and while I'm no professional author, I feel given enough time and editing I can write a decent story for you. bringing it back to have the story is currently written. I don't like a lot of it, but the building blocks are there , so for the past few hours I have slowly edited and incorporated proper grammar into the original story as well as generally made it a better more well written story that makes a little more sense as well and it gave me ideas for where i plan to take the storyline.

I hope everyone can forgive my poor upkeep of this story and my lack of performance in its progression. I'm also sorry if this was one big rambling mess, its 2:01 am and I'm a little tired but I wanted to do this before I lost my train of thought so thank you if you read this and thank you everyone for reading my story so far, I hope I can make it up to you.   

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