Chapter 1

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Countries are born in the earth and then raised or ruled by other countries. Countries are not human they are merely a personification of land. Their country is their name and body and their Capitol is their heart. Countries live forever but they are not immortal. They can receive injuries just like humans, but they can only die if their capital is destroyed or their land is taken completely.

"Hey look Iggy! Japan came to see us after all"!

"America! You're not being a gentleman! Act proper when we have a guest"!

"But Iggy"!

America sulked as Sir Britain fixed his suit. He cleared his throat and welcomed his guest "Welcome Japan to the country of Great Britain".

Japan walked in with pride, but on the inside he was nothing but shaking nerves. Great Britain was close to ruling almost two thirds of the world and he has agreed to form an alliance with Japan and offer him protection in exchange for the use of his military and naval ships.

"I'm very pleased to be welcomed into such a country".

Japan smiled and shook Britain's hand. America leaped between them and shouted "And I'm AMERICA"!!!


Japan was startled by this young boy dressed nicely in a suit like Britain, but his fancy image was ruined by a cowboy hat that was resting on his head.

America was much younger than Japan, and he was small too. He only came up to Japan's waist. It made Japan happy to see a country that isn't taller than him.

America was grinning happily with a large smile on his face, but then his mouth got small suddenly. He looked at Japan's small round face and shouted carelessly "Wow! Look Iggy it's another female country"!


Japan flustered with annoyance and humiliation and replied "I'm a man"!

"Huh? But your eyes are so feminine and you're so small and pretty".

America got closer to Japan's face and observed him closer. He gazed happily into Japan's black eyes and had a look on his face as if he were enlightened. He took both of Japan's hands into his and said sincerely "One day I will make you my wife".

Japan's response was silence along with a look of utter confusion. America just smiled, and eventually he raised one of Japan's hands to his lips and softly kissed it. "Ehh?! This is too much! Please we only just met"!

Britain pulled him away and firmly told him "Alright that's enough America"!

Japan held his hands together trying not to look too disturbed. Britain bowed down and apologized "Japan I'm sorry. You'll have to excuse him for his rude behavior. He's just an idiotic boy".

"Hey! I am not an idiot"!

"Yeah right".

"I am not"!

Even though Japan was always disturbed by these western cultures, he couldn't help but laugh at the sight of these two. They were a big brother and a little brother having a ridicules squabble. "*giggle*".

Britain and America both stopped at the surprise of Japan laughing. They both turned and looked at him with a look of confusion. Britain asked "Japan? Why are you laughing"?

"Oh? Sorry I did not mean to laugh aloud".

"If it's my brother I would be happy to remove him from your presence".

"Oh! No no it is quit alright. Your petty squabbling just reminded me of something".

Once Japan finished his sentence his smile vanished and turned into a flat line with his eyes furrowed and his gaze off in the distance. America and Britain's little argument reminded him of a man and a boy he had found in a thick green bamboo forest. They would often eat meat dumplings and gaze up at a full moon and argue about a bunny pounding mochi or This man would teach the boy about honor, culture, and war.

Japan was lost in thought and almost seemed a bit bothered. America and Britain looked at each other with concerned expressions. Than Britain walked up and placed his hand on Japan's left shoulder and stated "Do not worry Japan. Set your mind at ease. For whether you sign the documents or not you are always welcome here".

Such welcoming words with a gentle smile made Japan feel warmth he had not felt in a while. Britain's words and America's energetic, but strange welcome was like a song. A song that whistled a lovely tune just like a flute being played up on top of a mountain. It makes high enchanting sounds as it echoes down below to all the village folk.

These neighboring countries; no, these men had surely captured his heart and trust.

Japan gave a warm smile to them with glassy eyes. America blushes at the sight if his cute face and Britain cleared his throat and fixed his tie. "Oh Japan allow my servants to escort you to your room. You can sign the documents there if you are willing to comply".

"I'll escort him"!



Britain shoved America head first out the door as he said very gentleman like to Japan "Farewell. I shall see you off in the morning".

"Oyasumi nasai (good night)".

When Japan was escorted out of the room Britain whacked America on the head and said "you cannot be so rude to our guests".

"Aw come on Iggy"!

"~sigh America why must you be so hyper? You drive me insane with your loud mouth and recklessness".

"Because it seems to make you the happiest when I'm smiling and laughing. Plus your funny"!

Britain didn't say anything he just smiled at America's innocence. He reached down to pat little America's head.

"Maybe you're not as much as a wanker as I thought".

"I never was"!

"Haha! Why don't you organize some of those papers for me"?


America dashed over to the big pile of loose papers and envelopes and leaped into them as if they were a pile of fall raked leaves. Britain face palmed himself for making such a stupid mistake of letting America do such a job.

Eventually America calmed down and just sloppily, but quietly scooped up the papers and put them into smaller piles. All the papers looked insignificant to little America, but a big stack of letters caught his attention.

"Hey Iggy? What do you want me to do with these letters"?

"Depends who are they from"? Asked Britain without looking over at him and he held them carefully in his arms.

America struggled to hold one up to his line of sight so he could read it, but when he got a clear view of the address he spoke not knowing the meaning of the name. "It's...? It's from Russia".

~To Be Continued...

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