61. y i r g a c h e f f e

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Sera / Jules


"Mm... Julesy, are you ok? It's three in the morning.."

"I'm anxious."

"So am I but what's keeping you up?"

"What if you don't like me?"

"I don't like you Julesy."


"I love you. Nothing about you is going to change the way I love you."

"Cinnamon.. This is what makes me love you even more and fall in love even more, if that's possible, with you."

"Aww Julesy. Don't stress."

"You sure?"

"What if you don't like me?"

"I will. You're beautiful no matter what."

"Same way Julesy. It'll be fine and as much as I'd love to talk with you, you need sleep. You're yawning a lot. I don't want you oversleeping tomorrow because I've waited forever to meet you."

"Ahaha. Ok mum."


"Good morning."

"Good morning."

A/N: The next chapter is the last chapter before the epilogue. The feels next chapter :O . THIS IS THE LAST DIALOGUE CHAPTER FOR THIS BOOK. 

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Till next time!

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