38. s c h l a g o b e r s

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Sera / Jules


"Cinnamon? It's 2 in the morning. Are you ok?"



"I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"Being a... a bitch."

"Cinnamon.. why did you think that?"

"Julesy, I know I hurt you. I thought-"

"I- oh. Take your time."

"I thought Ariadne, when she answered when I called you, was your girlfriend and you never told me."


"I.. I didn't want you to hide anything from me. I thought maybe you hated me and I was-"

"Hey Cinnamon, calm down. It's fine."

"But it's not, I hurt you and Ellie told me you were sad and I- I hurt my best friend."

"I'm your best friend?"

"To me anyway. I feel happy around you."

"I do too. Cinnamon. I lo-"


"I..  I lowkey need an Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte."

"Haha. Oh Julesy. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine Cinnamon. Best friends?"

"Best friends."


"Julesy... You're sleepy."

"Hmm? Talk to me. I can't fall asleep even though I'm sleepy. Say random stuff."

"Ok, I was at work today when this cute little girl with wavy blonde hair walked in and asked-"

*soft sleep noises*


"Julesy. Sleep tight. But anyways, she asked for the rainbow gingerbread man."

A/N: That was *sniff* beautiful. YA I SWORE. I couldn't find another to explain Sera's rather ridiculous behaviour. Hehe. 

So, I'm thinking, why don't you guys make a few covers/ banners and I'll display them? If you want but it'll be cool because you lot are pretty creative! 

QUESTIONS: Your favourite flavour of juice? What Harry Potter house are you?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Till next time!

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