BatFam x Readers

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how ironic


I step off the bus and turn my head slightly to look at a sign,


The sign says in big bolded letters, I let a sigh of relief, I was finally home

Well, I guess I shouldn't say that yet, I haven't arrived at the manor yet

I was around that age where students go to college, however I received a scholarship from one of the top schools in the world! But, the college was in Japan ( a/n if you live in Japan, then just live somewhere else for the story's sake ) and I would have to leave for four years, away from the place I call home. I couldn't visit my family during these four years because of the distance and time. But now, everything is about to change, I'm finally home from college and I plan to surprise the Wayne Manor.

I waited on the sidewalk and tried waving down a taxi. After a few minutes and taxi finally saw my waving arm and pulled up next to me.

" Hello ma'am " The driver said while putting my bags into his trunk ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) I opened the car door and stepped inside, taking a seat

"where to? " he said while starting the car's engine,

" Wayne manor please " I said while digging though mu purse to find my wallet,

" Wayne? Oh I recognize you! You're the daughter! " he said while driving down the freeway,

" Heh...yeah that's me " I said with an awkward smile, damn I didn't want anyone to recognize me.

" Where have you been for the last four years? Your family hasn't said anything about your disappearance, beside the fact that your were alive and okay...' He said while looking back at me,

Great! The boys didn't tell anyone where I was going! You may ask, why don't I want people to know where I am. Well I guess I didn't want people bothering me in Japan, I just wanted to live " normally ". But I guess I really couldn't call my life normal when I knew that my dad was batman and my brothers her his apprentices ( a/n I refuse to put sidekicks )

" Well he we are Miss. Wayne " He said while parking in front of the gate, I stepped out of the car and handed him ten dollars,

" Keep the change " I said while taking my bags from his grasp,

I walked up to the gate and input the pin to unlock it, I quickly stepped into the gate and started up the pathway, and soon I was in front of the tall doors of the Wayne Manor.

I knocked on the door three times but no one answered, 

" Maybe no ones home? " I asked to no one in particular, I turned around and started to walk away until I heard the door creak open.

" Hello Miss, is there anything you need? " I heard a familiar voice,

I turned to see my favorite butler... ( SEBASTIAN) Alfred Pennyworth...

" Hey Alfred! " I said, smiling so much that my cheeks started to hurt

" Miss Y/N what a delightful surprise! " Alfred said while wrapping his arms around me to bring me in for a tight hug.

I returned the hug and Alfred said, " What are you doing here? I thought you were returning next month? " He said while pulling away from my embrace,

" well... I lied about that so I could surprise you guys! " I said while rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly,

" You certainly did surprise me, the boys are in the city eating at a restaurant, they left about 10 minutes ago. Would you like me to drive you there? " Alfred said while taking my bags and putting them inside the manor.

" Sure! Thanks Alfred " I said, Alfred then led me to the limo and opened the door for me,

" No problem Miss Y/N " 

We then made our way to the restaurant,

lil time skip

Once we arrived at the restaurant, I noticed all of the flashing lights outside.

" Well, at least we know there still here " I said with a little laugh,

" Indeed " Alfred said with a small smile, he parked the limo and opened the door for me. I stepped out an noticed that He was getting back in the car.

" Your not coming inside? " I asked him,

" Not today Miss Y/N there are chores I need to attend to at the manor. Enjoy your reunion " Alfred said while driving off,

I started towards the restaurant and that's when the paparazzi noticed my presence,

" Miss Wayne! "

" She's back "

" Where have you been? "

I just ignored all these questions for no, they were gonna both me later anyway. I opened the door of the restaurant and noticed five boys sitting in a circular table in the corner,

" Wow your family member that has been gone for 4 years is finally here any you don't even acknowledge her mystical presence?! " I shouted to them,

The five of them turned around to see me standing there with my hands on my hips,

" Y/N! " Dick shouted, he was the first one to hop to his feet and run towards me,

Dick wrapped me into a tight hug, so tight that h lifted me off the ground ( I DONT KNOW GO WITH IT ) 

The rest of them ran up to us and joined the hug,

" I thought you were coming back next month! " Tim said, 

" Oops? " I said,

" Welcome back shortie " Jason said while ruffling my hair,

" Hey I'm almost as tall as you! " I said back to him as I fixed my hair,

" Good to see you again L/N " Damian said 

" Hi Dames " I said to him,

" Well isn't it my daughter who said that they would see us next month... " Bruce said, towering over me,

" Whoops... Hi dad " I said with a cheeky smile,

He didn't say anything for a while until he gave me a big hug,

" Hi "





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