Jason Todd x Reader

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Hey guys me again! ( Ew I know right...)

Anyway in this one shot your a vigilante patrolling Gotham when you run into the Red Hood...

Y/N= your name

S/N = Superhero name

Y/W = Your Weapon

Some Mature Language 



 *S/N do you read me, there is a gang meeting at the docks *

I heard Oracles voice in my ear

" huh oh yeah i'll be there send me the coordinates" I said to Oracle

 *I already did S/N... is something bothering you. Because if there is you can tell me because you need to focus * Oracle said

" No everything is fine, anyway I need to go. S/N Out" I said with a sigh, I started running towards the docks, lost in my own thought, I said to Oracle that nothing was wrong.

But in reality something was wrong, today was the anniversary of my best friend Jason Todd's death. Yeah I knew that he was Robin, the only reason I'm S/N is to honor his memory. Before I knew it I was at the docks,

" Garcia ( A/N Random last name ) I thought I said no dealing to children! " I heard a voice say.

Then gun shots were heard, and then I heard a body fall down to the ground. I started creeping closer to get a better look to see who shot the gun.

" Now boys who else wants to end up like Mr. Garcia over here...." The voice said

I started creeping closer to the voices... until I stepped on  piece of broken wood from the dock, Just Great...


I quickly ran for cover trying not to get spotted by the men running around the place, I looked behind me to find that no one has found me... Until I crashed into a chest, I look up to see the hooded vigilante, the Red Hood.

" Who the f*uck are you!? " Red Hood asked me while raising a gun to my face

" Calm your tits, I'm not here to fight you " I said while smacking the gun away, I heard footsteps behind me, I whipped my head around to see some of RH's men coming at me. ( A/N if you can't guess already RH stands for Red Hood )

Before I could attack RH grabbed my waist and grappled to another building,

" What the actual f*uck! First you threaten to put a bullet in my brain, the you save me from your idiotic boys that you sent to try and kill me! " I said while slapping his red metallic helmet.

" Your welcome by the way " He said scoffing.

" Anyway what do you want..." I said while crossing my arms

" I know your part of the stupid little Bat-Family business so I'll make it short, " He said while shoving his hands in his pocket, " I want you to join and become my second in command "

" Woah slow down there buddy I don't even know you, and you don't know me so tell me why you think I would become your second in command? " I said while raising my eyebrow at him.

" I thi- wait I KNOW  you will join because I was watching you patrol, I knew that something was wrong. " He said while resting a hand on my shoulder, " Wanna tell me whats going on? "

He seemed so sincere... It was very unusual, should I tell him, I mean it wouldn't hurt to let talk about some feelings,

" Today was the anniversary of my best friends death, he meant the world to me" I said to him not noticing the tear slipping down my face,

" Hey stop crying, beautiful girls like you shouldn't have to cry" He said while wiping away my tear, " What was this guys name anyway?"

" Jason, Jason Peter Todd " I said while looking down at my feet

" Y/N? It can't be you"  RH said while taking a step back from me, I shot my head up

" How do you know my name " I said while glaring at him

Jason's Point Of View

It can't be Y/N she would be insane to take up the mantle of S/H

" How do you know my name " she asked me

" Because I remember you " I said while slowly taking of my helmet

" I-Its you! You idiot you left me!" She said while running to me, I started wrapping my arms around her, hugging her like there was no tomorrow,

" Y/N I missed you so much " I said while kissing the top of her head

" You missed" She stated, 

I Just gave her a confused look until she kissed my lips, my eyes widen and I start to kiss her back, we start to pull back because we both needed air to breath, ( DAMM AIR )

" Never leave me again Todd " She said while resting her head on my chest,

" Never again Y/N, I love you "


Yayyyyy a kind of fluffy Jason One-shot

898 words

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- BatFanGirl12

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