Dick Grayson x reader

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I need help,

I need more request because I literally have zero ideas!

I'm sorry it's short!



Dick's Point of View

" Dick get in the car we need to get to the airport " I heard Bruce's voice from upstairs in my room.

" Ok I'll be heading down in a second I just need to grab something, " I yelled back

I went to look at one of the pictures on top of my closet,

" I miss you so damm much Y/N " I said a single tear rolling down my face,

Y/N L/N, my best friend, disappeared without a trace, I couldn't save her....


" Dick? You ready to go? " I heard a voice say,

" Yeah I'm coming " I looked at the photo one more time before heading out of my bedroom,

" You okay Dicke? " I opened my bedroom door to see Jason standing there,

I just looked at him and buried my head into the crook of his neck,

" I miss her so much Jay " I said crying into him,

" It's okay Dicke " Jason said rubbing small circles on my back, I pulled away from Jason and wiped my tears away,

" Um sorry about that Jay, Uh we should get going " I said while walking down the stairs, he just gave me a sorry look. I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the stairs and to the doors of the manor. But before I could walk out Alfred grabbed my hand and motioned for Jason to go to the car,

" It's alright Master Richard, it's a vacation, chin up " Alfred said pulling me into a hug, I returned the hug and said,

" Thanks Alfie " I started to walk toward the car, and once I got in everyone crowded me with hugs,

" Thanks guys " I murmured

Mini Time Skip brought to you by my stomach ache

We all past security and we were heading to Hawaii,

While we were on the plane, the people behind us were talking about a girl that had been missing, but was found a Hawaii, they said that she was from Gotham.

Who could this girl be? ( MWHAHHHHHAHAH )

" We have just arrived at Hawaii and your baggage will be at baggage claim 3 " The flight attendant told everyone,

Another Time skip brought to you by @char

We arrived at the hotel and there was a whole crowd at the lobby, but it wasn't for us...

" Were is the missing girl "

" may we have a word from her? "

" Why is she here "

Huh I guess this missing girl is staying at this hotel to, the elevator doors opened and a girl walked out,

" There she is! "

The girl looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes,

Y/N L/N now stood in font of me




But don't get yo panties in a twist theres a part two.

Make sure to Vote&Comment&Request


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