Damian X Reader

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10k is kinda close and I want to know id ya'll what t do something for it

maybe a

Q/A ?

-Face reveal?

-Follow spree?

or maybe i can do like tiny scenarios where you can choose like a number and a character and I can write something small like

Choice 1 w/ Dick Grayson

Choice 1 = " I love you, but don't cook please

Scenario -

Dick walked into his apartment that he shared with Y/N, he was walking into the living room until he smelt something burning. He quickly ran into the kitchen and saw Y/N trying to cook something that looked like steak,

' Uh Y/N dear I love you, but please don't cook "

He said giving her a kiss.



Y/N's Point of View

" Lets go Damian! " I shouted from the front door,

" Beloved, I love you but I don't want to go with you to the mall..." Damian said,

I just sighed and walked over to him,

" Yes beloved? " Damian said while wrapping his arms around my torso,

I just grabbed his arms and started dragging him towards the door,

" Come on beloved... don't you want to do something... better? " He said, whispering in my ear,


" Sorry Dami, but I have to get a dress AND pick of your tuxedo for Bruce's gala " I said to him with a smirk, " But If you go to the mall with me, then will do something wayyyy better "

He just stood there frozen.

" Well, then let's hurry up and finish this shopping trip " He said while opening the door, " Shall we? " He said offering a hand out to me,

I grabbed his hand and he quickly pulled me to the car,

" Eager are we? " I said buckling my seat belt,

" Don't mock me Y/N " He said in a warning tone,

" Fine, fine " I said

Mini time skip

We arrived at the mall and I didn't have time to unbuckle my seat belt, because Damian practically ripped the door of the car, and practically dragged my the the dress shop so I could pick up my dress and Damian's tuxedo.

" Damian! Calm down! " I said trying to stop him from pulling my arm off, " Besides! We need to get more things besides my dress and your tuxedo "

I suddenly felt him freeze,

" What did you just say... " He said turning his head to face me,

" I-uh I may have forgotten to mention that we need to get more things.... besides the dress and tuxedo " I said while playing with my fingers, avoiding Damian's glare,

" You...Y/N L/N are going to be the death of me " He said while grabbing the bags out of my hands,

I just starred at him,

" What? I may be a little mad that you teased and ran, but I'm not that cold hearted " Damian said with a small smile, " Plus, I'll make you pay later " He said and walked away

I froze,

" Wait what! " I shouted at him, still in the same spot,

He didn't answer and just kept walking... and you know what he does next...

he starts to whistle a song,


Oh I am so dead

Time skip, brought to you by Jumin Han's gayness

Once we finally finished shopping, Damian put all of the shopping bags in the back seat and we started to drive home. Once we got home and put all the shopping bags inside the house, I didn't even get a chance to take of my shoes before Damian grabbed my hand,

" Ready for your punishment? " He said and lead me to the bedroom,




Sorry buddy... I don't write smut/lemon/lime/ WHAT EVER YOU WANNA CALL FRICK FRACKING

Any way this was originally supposed to be a one-shot where Damian gets jealous, but kinda got sidetracked



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