Damian Wayne x Reader

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Hey everyone!

I'm so so so sorry that I haven't updated in a while!

School has been murdering me slowly and I haven't been able to write which sucks!

Bu I will be trying to writ end update more when I have time



Damian's Point of View

I swooped into the window of me and Y/N's apartment, I saw her sleeping on our bed. I sighed in relief, Y/N has no idea that I'm batman and it's killing me not to tell her. I would tell her but telling her my secret could but her life in danger. I slowly walked into the restroom trying not to make any noise that would cause Y/N to wake up.

"Dami..." Y/N mumbled in her sleep,

" It's ok beloved, just get to sleep I was just getting some water..." I said quietly trying to get her to go back to sleep,

" Ok...." She said quietly and fell back into a slumber,

I let out a sigh of relief, I slowly walked into he restroom changing my outfit/costume and putting on a plain white shirt and pajama pants. I walked back into the bedroom and played besides Y/N. She snuggled into my chest as I wrapped an arm around her small body.

One day I'll tell you Y/N........

In The Morning

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked. I turned my head to see Y/N not there, she must be cooking. I threw the covers off of me and got off the bed, but before I left the room I fixed our bed.

" Morning Dames " I heard Y/N's voice

" Morning beloved.. " I said while rubbing my eyes,

" So where were you at 2'am in the morning.." She said while resting her coffee cup on the table, I froze.

How did she know about that?!

" I-Uh I was getting groceries? " I said but it sounded more like a question

" Hmmm, I don't think the store is open at 2'am " She said while walking up to me,

I stepped back a little bit, but she stopped me by placing a hand on my shoulder,

" Damian.... " I averted my eyes away from hers, looking to the other side of the room, " Are you doing drugs.... " She finished


I snapped my head towards her, " No no no no never in a million years " I said

" Wait then are you cheating on me! " She yelled taking her hand off my shoulder

" NoNONO, never! " I yelled, " I love you way to much "

" Then what are you doing awake at 2'am " Se asked putting her hands on her hips, I sighed and dragged a hand down my face.

" Ok...Ok... Just wait here I need to show you something " I said grabbing her hand and making her sit on the couch. She reluctantly nodded, I walked to our bedroom and opened the secret compartment that was holding my batman suit.

" I guess this is happening " I mumbled slipping the costume on. I was stepped in the doorway and yelled to her, " close your eyes! "

" Okay " She yelled back

I peeked around the corner and saw her covering her eyes, I walked in front of her.

I sighed, " Ok... you can open your eyes now " She slowly removed her hands and looked up, her eyes immediately widened.

" You.Are.Batman.... " She said slowly. I Slowly nodded my head.

" I didn't tell you any earlier because I didn't want to put you in trouble, because villains might take you away from me and use you as bait and I don't want you to get hurt " I started quickly

" Dames, " She said, I stopped my rant and looked at her " Shut up " She finished, she stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck,

" I love you anyways and thank you for telling me your secret to keep me safe " She said resting her head on my chest. I moved my hands and wrapped them around her waist.

" But, we ned to tell each other these things because I had no clue what you where doing! " She said, " Damian, you had me scared "

I sighed and rested my head on her head, " I'm sorry beloved, I just wanted to keep you safe"

" I know Dames, I don't blame you and I'm not mad " She said looking up at me,

" Good" I said leaning down and kissing her. She kissed back, then she pulled away, " I guess I know your secret " She said with a little laugh,

" I guess you do " I said laughing with her.


765 words

Hey Guys Again!

I hoped you enjoyed that!

You should all totally request because because I don't have any plots for all the bat-boys so yeah.....


I love you!

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- BatFanGirl

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