Make Up

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"Wow, your room is amazing!" Luna exclaimed as we entered into the Foyer. Her already large eyes widened dramatically as her voice rose a half an octave. "Neville, do you see this?" We now stood in the sitting room, off the foyer.

Neville joined Luna's side and put an arm around her waist. "Man, Hermione, even when you go wrong you get lucky." I felt my face blush as the memory of Draco becoming my partner replayed in my mind.

"Don't be so ridiculous, Neville." I said as I offered them a seat. "Tea, anyone?"

Luna waved her hand. "No, I am fine. Thank you," she said in her airy voice as she began rubbing circles on her stomach. "Evangeline doesn't like tea."

"I'm good, also." Neville said. "Fire whiskey and tea do not mix very well."

I smiled at him and then looked to Draco, awaiting his response. He also turned down my tea offer. Since no one wanted tea I decided not to make any for myself. I took a seat next to Draco and leaned my head against his chest.

"So, that whole Dunbar scene back there at the Leaky Cauldron, care to tell me what she did to make you toss a mug of butterbeer in her face like that?"

"She said...." I paused mid-sentence. "She basically told me that a Mudblood like myself shouldn't be paired up with a pureblood like Draco." I felt my face blush crimson once the words left my mouth. "She thinks she would have and should have been paired up with Draco."

"And you didn't sock it to her?" I shook my head. "Honestly, Hermione, I would've cursed her."

I chuckled, "Yeah, because that totally worked well for Ron when he tried to curse Draco." The laughed quickly left my face as I remembered him. Ron, the first boy I was ever in a real relationship with. The first boy I ever french kissed. The first boy I gave my entire heart to before it was thrown to the ground and stomped all over.

"Hermione, you okay?" Draco asked me.

I cleared my throat and then forced a smile on my face. "I'm fine. Just lost my train of thought, that is all." I pressed my lips to his cheek and then nestled back against his chest.

"I still can't believe she said that to you. She always seemed so sweet." Luna chimed. "Then again, people change when there is something that they want. Good or bad, they still change."

"That they do." Draco agreed, giving my shoulder a squeeze before pressing his lips to the top of my head.

"Are you two going to ever be friends again?" Luna proceeded to ask.

I glanced up at her, my head not leaving Draco's chest. Were we ever going to be friends again? If I were to be honest with myself I would have to say, at this moment nothing was for certain. Would I forgive her for the nasty words she said to me, of course. Would I forget it ever happened? Now that was a definite no. Could I ever allow us to be friends after she stopped being a awful person towards me....

"I don't know, Luna. I do know this, though, you know how Draco used to be towards me. Some of the things he did were way worse than Faye's actions and I forgave him."

In the next second Draco rose to his feet and left the room. I jumped slightly when I heard the bedroom door slam.

"Wow, would you look at the time, Hermione. We should get back to our rooms." Neville rushed as he gathered to his feet. "Luna," Neville said as he extended and arm towards him.

The couple thanked me and hurried to the elevators. The moment I heard the ding of them closing I turned and headed for the bedroom. When I opened the door Draco was sitting on the edge of the bed, his face cradled in his hands.

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