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First off I wanna say thank you! I never thought any of y story's would be liked or really mean something to anyone. With every like and comment it makes me smile and want to continue writing. I do read every single one of my comments. I might not reply to all because I think about making one big reply like this. Some I've even privately messaged you to answer your questions.

With some of the things you say, you guys make my day.

You guys have asked for a epilogue or even another story. I have been trying to think about what to do with this story because to me it feels some but it also doesn't feel done, ya know what I mean? So yes I may write an epilogue or a second book but it make take awhile. What you say doesn't go unnoticed by me so I will try to edit my mistakes.

If you wonder why my attention hasn't been on Little Red is because I've been working on Of Runt, Of Alpha, Of Fey, and the second book to Of Runt which is Of Luna. These wolves are different then Little Red but you are more then welcome to read them.

So once again thank you guy! You make me happy!

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