Chapter 5-

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Chapter Five~

I open my eyes to find that I am alone in my room. I sit up while pulling the blankets off of me. I have a white gaze wrapped around my torso from my hips to around my breast. I go to my closet and try to pull on a shirt. After a few minutes with the shirt still not on and my stomach in pain, I grab my jacket and zip it up.

I can hardly lift my arms without it hurting now. I go downstairs where I hear shouting. "You are supposed to protect her! Was that not the deal? How come every time I leave and you are with her she gets hurt?" Sam shouts. I assume he is talking to Niccone. Who else could he possibly be screaming at?

"I didn't mean for this to happen," Niccone mutters.

"What did happen?" His dad asks. There's something off in the way Alpha Zale spoke.


"He heard the wolf and told me to run. He didn't want me to see the blood. I guess there must have been two,"I lie. Everyone looks at me. Niccone opens his mouth then sighs thinking better of it.

"That isn't-"

"I tripped several times to be honest. So they could have easily found me." I add to make it more believable.

"You shouldn't be up!" Sam shouts making me flinch.

"I'll take her back." Niccone offers.

"Yeah make sure she doesn't fall down the stairs while your at it. Or can you even do that?" Sam snaps. Someone is cranky.

"Sam calm down." I say but Niccone is already leading me out. He makes me go first up the stairs. I sit down on my bed cross legged.

"Stop lying for me." Niccone says as he sits down in my desk chair.

"My brother can overreact when it comes to me. He would have flipped out if he knew the truth." I explain.

"I don't need your help. I'm a big boy Chris."

"You wouldn't be so big if Sam go a hold of you." I mutter. Niccone looks a little bit surprised by my comment.

"I would have let him. It's my fault you are hurt. I didn't do my job at protecting you."

"Stop blaming yourself." I grumble.

"It is my fault. You just make me bipolar."

I lay back on my bed. I don't like being in a room alone with him. "I'm sorry Red. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."

"If a word is used so many times it loses meaning." I say.

"I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want you to get hurt." He tries. In all honesty, I want to believe him but I can't.

"You seem to enjoy scaring me though." I point out. He puts his head in his hands and takes a deep breath.

"Do you smell that?" He ask and looks up.

"No not really but when you get accustomed to a place you don't really smell the scent they place has because you already have it memorized in your head. For example my grandfather said he could always find me because a smelled like my favorite food that he never ate." I say explaining.

"You wouldn't understand. Our heightened senses help defend our packmates. At a certain age we focus on finding our soul mate. We usually smell them." He explains.

"And you think you smell her. Could her scent be rubbed off on someone?" I ask he takes a few deep breaths.

"No because I would smell it on that person. She is blocking her scent but it's fading." He says with a slight frown.

"Oh well I'm sorry." I whisper.

"For the past three months it's been that way. Probably why I'm so moody." He mutters. I crawl away from him and pull out my iPod and headphones. I put the headphones in and start listening to music.

It would be terrible to be a werewolf. To have to rely on so many people. Just one flaw could end hundreds. To have someone voice their opinions in your head and take control of your body. I wonder why Grandpa wanted a life like that.

He loved wolves. He loves how they worked together and how the Alphas took charge. In the end what he loved,what he fought for killed him. We were told he has shredded apart by athe wolf. We had a closed casket.

Same thing with my parents. Both were ripped to shreds by rouge wolves. My headphones are pulled out. "Besides what I've done why are you scared of us?" Niccone asks.

"Because your kind has slowly killed my family." I whisper as a tear slides down my face.

"What do you mean?"

"Rouges killed my parents and my grandfather. Shredded them so bad that it was a close casket and they didn't know if they got all of them." I say.

"That's terrible." He whispers surprised.

"Are you happy now? Knowing why I'm terrified of you?" I snap feeling angry he has such effects on me. "Why are you always looking for new ways to make me cry? Do you hate me that much?"

"I don't hate you and I don't really like seeing you cry." He says.

"It seems like it because every time we are alone together you looking for new ways to hurt me! You need to grow up Niccone. What if one day I'm not here anymore because of you? How would that make you feel? I hope it makes you feel like utter crap!" I shout as anger boils through me.

"What?" He asks clearly shocked.

"I don't understand you. You seem like you hate me and want to kill me 90% of the time. You need to get checked for something because it's getting old now out if my room." I say glaring at him..

"Excuse me?" He asks dazed.

"Out now Niccone!" I scream and he runs out of my room. I fall back and take deep breaths. I can hear people shouting downstairs and it's not helping with my anxiety that just risen to the occasion. I move by my window with a blanket wrapped around me and breath the fresh air. This should help me some.

I move the blanket closer trying to block out everyone downstairs. I put my headphones back in but it doesn't help at all. I let out a loud sigh as I wait for it to get over with. Maybe it will end soon.

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