Chapter 4-

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Chapter Four~

I take a deep calming breath and slowly release it. I pull off my clothes and put on shorts and a tanktop. "I'm going running."I say as I turn on my IPod of music. I start running my normal routine.

It's Wednesday and I've been trying to talk less to Niccone than I should. He has noticed too because he talks all the time and won't shut up until I say something. The bruise is almost gone but Sam went ape crazy when he saw it. He bought the whole I fell story like I new he would.

Hank and Trevor find my behavior funny and say it won't be long until I crack under his pressure. They say people have a hard time being mad at him or ignoring him. I say he is a Alpha werewolf of course they do. They have to talk to him and do as he says.

When I get back to our house I go to my room and shower. I put on jeans, a black t-shirt and my red jacket. I go downstairs and Sam smiles at me. I give him a weak smile back.

"Grandma wants you to take her some soup. I also packed some other stuff and I have some wolf matters to take care of. Have you seen Niccone or any of his goons he calls friends?" Sam says obviously irrataded. I blink a few times before shaking my head no.

"Haven't seen them since school. Maybe they had a meeting or something. And Sam I'm a big girl I know how to get to grandmother's house. " I explain. He treats me like a baby.

"I know it's just you have to go through the woods." He says while shaking his head." Anyways here and maybe one of those idiots will be here when I leave."

I grab the basket and slip on my shoes. I go out the door and start through the woods. Our grandmother lives a good thirty to fourty five minutes through the woods. I love going through the woods. I've always have, Sam says I get it from our grandfather.

I don't know if it's just paranoia but I think someone might be following me. I look behind me but don't see anyone. Our grandmother is sick so Sam usually takes her stuff but during the summer I do it. Since he was busy I got the job. I don't mind it though I love her though she is a little crazy. I hear it again so I look behind me. Nothing.

"What do you have in the basket Little Red?" Niccone asks. I hit him and scream. My heart feels like it might beat out of my chest.

"You scarred me you you jerk!" I shout. He is laughing hard. He is laughing so hard he has his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

"I'm so-sorry." He laughs.

"Geez. You almost have me a heart attack. How long have you been following me?" I ask. I hope he was the one following me because there is a lot of things in these words that could kill me. Well, I guess Niccone could too but he can't.

"Well you left the house about thirty minutes ago so that means when you went out on that run might I add is quite impressive." He says and winks. I can feel my eyes get wide with surprise.

"You were stalking me?"

"No I was keeping an eye on you." He clarifies. "Where are we going?"

"My grandmother's house." I grumble. I don't want him here.

"And to grandmother's house we go!" He sings. This can't get any worse.

"Really?" I ask. Never would I have thought that I would be walking in the woods with a soon to be Alpha to my grandmother's house with him singing to grandmother's house we go.

"So Little Red don't you find it it ironic that you are have a red hood, a basket and a wolf?" He asks. I give him a side glare.

"Since when do I have a wolf?" I ask him. He lets out a sigh and rubs my head.

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