Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-one

I fold my legs up under me and look up at the stars. How has all this happened in such a short time? Why did I ever agree to tutor Niccone? He's nothing but a big temperamental baby.

Garrett is really back this time though. I can tell. He won't leave me. He means it this time. I sense Morgan and Baron as they walk up to me. "Happy birthday!" They both shout. I look down at my hands.

"I don't think it's going to be as happy this year," I say getting up. Baron crosses his arms over his chest with a smile.

"It will be to," he snaps at me playfully.

"How do you know? I'm just different Baron and I don't know how to express it. Instead of anxiety I've been worrying about anger!" I shout hopping up. It's the truth. Ever since I've shifted it's like the two have swapped spots!

I head towards Niccones pack house leaving them there. I walk in and let out a low groan as my dad walks up to me with a smile. "Happy birthday " he says wrapping me in a hug.

"Thanks dad." I mutter lowly. Once he lets me go I go in the house.

"What's wrong Little Red?" Niccone asks as he gets on the elevator.

"I don't like this," I admit lowly. He glances down at me.

"Don't like what?"

"Being this! I feel terrible all the time, I don't even know what's wrong with me anymore. It's like someone flipped a switch and I'm different. I'm so different now," I say as I slide down to the floor. He presses a button making the elevator stop moving. He then sits down beside me.

"I though you were enjoying being able to stand up for yourself," he says laying his head back. I laugh an emotionless laugh.

"I thought I did. It's not me. I've changed so much Niccone, I'm not me anymore."

"Then who are you?"

"Apparently I'm just the person supposed to carry the great Hunters child. Such a fantastic destiny isn't it?" I ask looking back at him. His hands hang loosely from his knees.

"That's who you can be, or you can choose to be someone else. You're a powerful Lycan, you're meant to do great things," he says looking over at me. I look down at my lap with a frown. I want to scream until my throat is raw and his ears bleed. I want to scream until my lungs ache and my knees give.

"Then why do I feel terrible? I didn't even know about your sister until well, until they told me and I believe they are still hiding something. My own Beta," I say shaking my head.

"It may not seem like it but he's only doing what he thinks you can handle. Every now and then he may push you but that's his job, take me and Hank into mind."

"You and Hank have always known each other," I retort. He smiles, it's a full smile too. It actually makes me want to smile too. I lean my head on his shoulder with a sigh.

"I hate my birthday."

"Today's your birthday?" He asks as he puts his arm around me. I nod my head yes. "Happy birthday Little Red."

Later we are laying on the roof looking at the stars. "I don't think your boyfriend will like this." Niccone says making me laugh he soon joins in with him.

"Not his girlfriend, I haven't given him an answer yet." I say shaking my head. It is true. I haven't.

"Maybe you need to tell him that. Make your case tell him what you want," Niccone says holding his hands to the sky.

"I just want to be me. Why am I not me?" I ask looking over at him. He sighs and looks at me.

"You haven't found your life partner yet. I'm not exactly me either. It usually takes transition when you are thirteen but well, you're a different case," he takes a deep breath, "your building yourself up, trying to be strong for when you meet this person. You'll know when you do because that's when you start becoming you."

We lay their as I let his words sink in. This mate stuff must mean a lot to this kind. "Then how come your mate doesn't want to be your mate if she can't be herself without you?" I ask him. He lets out a long tired sigh. He doesn't sat anything for quiet a while but I understand why.

"I don't know. Maybe because of my position, sometimes it freaks people out or she just doesn't want me in general," he says with a shrug. You can tell it hurts him to even think that. I lay my head against his shoulder and curl up to his side.

"I'm tired of being what I am," I mutter as I close my eyes.

"What time where you born?" He asks suddenly. I stretch out then curl back up to him, I then think when I was born.

"Eleven o'clock on the dot."

He mutters an okay and things get quiet between us again. I hold onto him almost desperately. I don't like how much I have changed, I know it's for the good but how good can it be if it doesn't seem right? My eyes close as I listen to him breath.

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