Chapter 12-

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Chapter Twelve-

"Are you sure you are okay?" Hank asks as I walk out of my bedroom. I nod my head instead of answering him.

"Yeah. I understand that it was self defense." I say with a small smile after it dawns on me that he won't leave until he gets a direct answer. Hank gives me a look but walks off. Niccone is at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. I have a bundle of clothes in my hands wanting to take a bath. I wonder what he wants now. He doesn't say anything but he follows me in the bathroom. The bathtub is full with water and bubbles. Did he do this?

"Bubbles?" I whisper questioningly. He just shrugs. I turn him around so he is facing the hallway and hope that he will leave. I quickly strip and climb into the tub. The water is warm and very soothing Niccone still hasn't left the bathroom for some reason. After a few seconds he looks behind him. He grabs the stepstool and pulls it beside the bathtub and sits down.

I mindlessly play with bubbles to distract myself from looking at him. He must think it is his fault. Niccone reaches over and starts taking my hair from it's braid that I have long forgotten about. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone at the school." He whispers as he combs my hair out. I don't say anything. Niccone mutters nonsense while mindlessly playing with my hair but I don't pay much attention to what he is saying. "You shouldn't have to do that Little Red. I'm supposed to protect you."

I still don't say anything. I might say something I don't exactly want to. I slip under the water and come back up. He kisses the top of my head which shocks me. "I'm sorry." He adds as he sets a towel in his place and walks out. I finish my bath and dry off. I change into my clothes and brush my hair out. I go into the kitchen where Niccone and Hank are waiting with Baron. Everyone else is outside or in the living room.

"Chris!" Morgan shouts walking in. She wasn't here earlier. She wraps her arms around me and sniffles. "Niccone," Trevor says as he walks in with a big frown on his face. I wonder what's wrong. He looks at me then back at Niccone. Oh. It must be about me then.

Both boys walk outside without another word. Morgan squeezes me in a bone chrushing hug and then joins them. "How did you get home?" Hank asks me. I cross my arms over my chest and look over at Bella. I don't say anything at first, but then Hank gives me a hard glare.

"This guy gave me a ride home." I mutter in defeat. I don't know I didn't want him to know that. "You rode with a random stranger after you got attacked? What were you thinking!" Hank shouts. His eyes briefly change color. I take a step back and so does Bella. Every time that happens something bad happens to me or the ones around me.

"Hank c-"

"Don't tell me to calm down Luna Bella." Hank snaps. By now his eyes are black. Hank stalks over to me and picks me and sets me on a counter so I'm taller. We are almost eye to eye now. "Why did you think it was a good idea to walk by yourself? Why didn't you just wait for someone or call me or do something other then go by yourself!" He screams at me

I shrink back as much as I could. "Why were you so, so, so stupid!" He shouts. He did not just say that. I put my hands on his shoulder and my feet on his hips. I push him back with my hands and feet. He falls backwards into the fridge breaking it. Niccone, Morgan and Trevor rush inside. "Don't yell at me!" I scream.

"It's not my fault there was this random guy eating some chick! It's not my fault he was wanting to eat me! I don't even think I'm that appetizing but no he was saying he was going to save me and eat me for later. Who does that?" I rant. I look down at my lap afterwards and tug on my hair. What's wrong with me? I never have temper tantrums like that.

"His eyes glowed red and he had this pit of bones and bodies. I killed him with a bone Hank. A bone." I say to get my point across to him. My voice cracked which makes me mad.

"What happened?" Morgan asks looking over at the damaged fridge. I feel angry tears in my eyes. "You better buy me a new fridge you freak." I warn Hank.

"She just- and he went- and now they." Bella says pointing at everything. "Words Bella. Use your words." Niccone says.

"Chris pushed Hank into the fridge for yelling at her." She stutters.

"His eyes turned black and he was screaming at me and calling me stupid." I say defending myself. Hank looks utterly confused as to what is happening right now.

"I lost control. I blacked out. You gotta trust me on this Niccone. You know I wouldn't hurt her." Hank says as he removes himself from the fridge. Niccone looks over at me obviously torn as to what to do. I remove myself from the counter and go to my room. I hear my door open.

"Go away Niccone." I hiss. I don't want to hear him talk and I don't want to be his victim again. "It's not Niccone." Dell says as she, Wendy, Bella, and Morgan walk in. I pull my cover over me showing there is no room for whatever they plan. Morgan pulls the covers back.

"I want to help you get lose so I have a great idea!" Morgan says while clasping her hands together. I frown. "Is it as great as the one time we got suspended for nine days?" I ask her and her face turns red. "Because I do not feel like putting super glue on toilet seats in the men's room." I add making her sigh.

"No that is not what I was going to say!" She shouts while covering her face. "Is it the same as that one time y-"

She places her hand over my mouth with an evil glint in her eyes. I don't like that look. That look always gets us in some sort of trouble. "Shush child, we are about to school some innocent people." Morgan says as she looks over at the three Luna's. Dear lord help me.

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