Chapter 17-

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Chapter Seventeen ~

A wolf appears beside me almost startling me. He is panting hard and the look in his eyes are determined. I crouch low while sending a threating growl to him. Something is off about this wolf. The wolf is definitely bigger then I am and could easily take me in a fight but instead of fighting he walks slowly up to me. He rubs his face against the muzzle of my neck.

The whole time I growl at him as he does this but it doesn't seem to mess with him. I nip at his shoulder and take off running. I hear him running behind me and he seems pretty fast. I end up out running him but he's still chasing me. Soon he gives up and lets out a long, almost desperate howl. I walk to the edge of the cliff I'm on and let out my own howl but mine is a warning.

I wake up with only my jacket on. I thought I left this at the house. I look around not knowing where I am at first because everything seems different to me. I can see things more clearly and smell better. I can sense even the smallest of things and I have a strong taste of blood in my mouth. I look at my hands only to find them normal again. I quickly zip up my jacket and pull it down some to help cover me up.

I can clearly see my house from here. I get up and walk to the door, which is unlocked. We really need to be more careful with things like this. I take a deep breath in catching the wonderful smell of steak. My stomach lets out a loud growl as I walk in. It feels like I have a beast clawing at my stomach, well, I do it's just hunger.I quickly make me a plate and sit down at the table. I make a salad and loaded bake potato. I start to eat my food as fast as I can, I don't even stop for air.

"Has Chris came back yet?" I hear Garrett asks. He sounds a little off. I can hear him and a few other people walking. I then hear the door open but I don't look up. "Well that's attractive." Trevor says with a laugh. I swallow my food and look up at Hank, Trevor, Niccone and Garrett.

"Where were you?" Niccone asks as he makes himself a plate. I finsih my steak and work on the rest of my food. I push my hair from my face. "Grandmas." I mutter through a mouthful. "Hand me a water." I choke out to Garrett. Hank hands me one instead and I drink the whole thing in one swollow.

"Lie. If you were at your grandma's you wouldn't be sitting in here naked." Garrett says crossing his arms over his chest. "How did you know I w-"

"You never show that much of your legs." Garrett says looking at my exposed leg. I growl at him making Niccone stop and look at me quizzically.

"Also I went to your grandma's." Niccone says as he sits down. What's up with him? "You went to my grandmothers? That is envasion on so many levels!" I shout at him. "What's wrong with you?" Hank asks. I snap my head up at him and bare my teeth.

"You tell me." I growl at him. Everyone seems taken aback by my answer. "Because I had one interesting night."

"What happened?" Garrett asks taking a seat. Someone grabs my shoulder. I grab their arm and twist it around while standing up. "Don't touch me." I say lowly to Niccone. He clearly tries to move his arm but it doesn't work. I lean my head to the side and push his arm away. I pull my jacket down again before I sit down.

"I was going to say you have twigs in your hair." Niccone says rubbing his arm. "Does it look like I care?" I ask.

"I was just saying. There is no need to be mean to me!" Niccone shouts. "Don't scream at me!" I yell. Niccone sits back down and lowers his head.

"Is he submitting?" Trevor asks Garrett stunned.

She's ready now!

Let's get her.

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