Chapter 23

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I sit up in my bed gasping for air. The feeling of a panic attack claws at my being, but I force it down with tears brimming my eyes. Garrett is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs like he knows I'm about to break.

We eat breakfast quickly in which Baron shows up giving us a ride to school. Most of school flies by quickly, but I can't shake a feeling. "What's wrong with you?" Garrett asks me rather suddenly.

"I don't know. I had a weird dream about werewolves last night. So weird. You were like some highly respected guy that everyone feared and I was like this Lycan chick everyone was afraid of."

"Wow. Are you getting sick shorty?" Garrett asks teasingly. I'm so glad he moved back. I know things won't be the same since we dated but he's a great friend. He has and probably always will be there for me.

"Nah, but that weird Alpha guy was in it too. He was very depressed about not finding his mate," I whisper as we pass by the large figure of Niccone.

"How'd did you know that?" Garrett asks me lowly. I give him an 'are you serious' look. He rolls his eyes before shaking his head at me. It's not exactly my fault that I had the dream. We join Baron at the lunch table as I tell him of the rest of my dream. He laughs a lot which is very weird. He seems tense through some parts of it though.

"You remember all of that?" Baron asks before glancing at Garrett with a clearly worried expression. I roll my eyes but mutter a small meek yes.

"And I forgot my lunch. I'll be back," I groan. I hate these hallways, they are way to dark. There are so many monsters that roam them. Not the werewolves just people in general. I can't shake this feeling in me that something bad is lurking about. Several people are still running around for teachers.

I can sense a powerful aura near which freaks me out. I turn the corner to my locker only to find the Alpha wolves that haunted my dreams. They all look at me quickly which makes me turn red. I hate all of the attention on me. I despise it.

I keep my head down as I get my lunch out. I glimpse behind me to find Niccone watching me. My stomach drops and it makes me feel sick. So I take off. I run and run and run. I have no certain place in mind to go but I know I need to get away from them.

I run for what feels like hours. My legs are like jelly and my lungs heave for air. A man stands in the road. He very much resembles the man in the start of my dream. The one that had the nest of bones. I think Niccone said it was some sort of rouge. He mutters the same things as he did in my dream, but I can't move this time. I am freaking out. I don't know what to do.

A blonde wolf jumps out of nowhere and rips his head off. I wish I hadn't, it's stupid to be honest, but I scream. I scream like a scared little girl. I start running again, off into the woods. Soon, standing tall is Niccones large packhouse. I stare at it in fright of the memories and my legs shake as I back away to a weeping willow tree. I climb it as high as I can and let my anxiety take me. I know I'm not supposed to do it but I'm freaking out! My lungs burn and my body shakes violently.

What is happing to me? I don't understand what is happing. Once my attack is over I see people in a group talking, but what gets my attention is who is in the middle. Garrett. Why is he here with them? I climb from the tree and take off again. I try my best to find my house, which I do. My brother is there.

"Sam! Something is going o-" he slaps his hand over my mouth as we walk to the kitchen. "This is the Alpha I work with-"

I let out another scream before running out the door again. What hell is happening? I run over to my grandmothers house. "Grandma?" I scream looking around. She isn't here so I curl up on the couch and cover up. My head is racing so fast I can't stand it. My whole body is shaking rather violently.

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