chapter 29

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* 2 Months Later *

It december 12,2014 and my birthday was on the 8th so I am currently 18,I got moved up to 12th grade because that's what grade I'm suppose to be in and I'm an advanced student which means I know more than I should know since I was in 11th grade,The lynches also got moved to 12th grade and I wasn't expecting them to be so smart and as for ratliff he went to a different school for some reason,maybe rydel knows considering that's her boyfriend.The lynches have officially stopped bullying me and also the whole school,Sometimes they would even wave at me and I would just simply smile.I still can't trust these people,I mean they turned on me and that's kind of sad.Meanwhile,me and ross have been talking a lot lately and he starting to gain my trust,and I guess you could say we have a thing for each other like umm friends with benefits.Abby is trying so hard to gain our friendship again and its really nice that's she's trying so maybe I'll give her one more chance.

My black hair has gotten longer and my mom finally bought me a car even though I told her not too since I make my own money,I started working at a clothing store which is Forever 21.So I guess you could say my life is slowly turning,but that doesn't mean something bad won't happen,I could feel it in my bones and remember the last time I felt something in my bones....yeah so I have to keep a look out for my surroundings.I opened my locker and stuffed my bag in it because I have band class next,I closed my locker and there the most Popular girl in 12th grade stood,Rydel is popular too but not as much as her."umm excuse me your in my way".I said,trying to move pass her"I never liked you and I still don't like you.just because you stood up to the lynches doesn't mean you could stand up to me,so I suggest you watch your back".She flipped her hair and walked away to her crew.

There Goes My Freedom

A/N:Ooo her life is finally turning around or is it?

How do you like the new bully?

Will she be even worse?

Or Way better than the lynches?

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