chapter 13

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I'm currently sitting in the back of class actually paying attention to what the teacher is telling us and one of the reasons I'm paying attention is because the lynches aren't here at school and thank jesus for that but I still have the whole school to face that sucks but hey its not as bad,I mean they don't physically hurt me like how the lynches do so I'm fine.

"Ms.Johnson do you remember the steps of meiosis?".Mr.Moore asked,"Um yes,first is the interphase,prophase,metaphase,anaphase,and telophase".I answered."very good".the teacher said and turned back around and stared writing stuff on the board."Eww smart ass".someone said,"no one likes a know it all"."look at the little bitch playing smart".don't let it get to you,ariel."I bet your mom is stupid like you".oh hell naw,I stood and punched the girl in the face."Talk about my mom again and I'll break every single bone in your body!".the girl looked terrified and the whole class looked shocked,even I did why did I do that.

*2hrs later*

I got sent home and suspended because I broke the girls nose.I mean have the teachers seen what they did to me.I go back to school on Thursday so that's after the masquerade party,I can't wait to see who my secret admirer is.

A/N:A little short chapter for my beautiful readers.

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