The End?

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Here it is, the moment y'all been waiting for, The Finale of this book, What will happen to the kingdom of vampires, will they ACTUALLY cease to exist? Or will they live on? Will the Villagers of Undervill win the finale? Or will fate doom them all? Find out...

In a few minutes after this short video. XD

Alright, HERE WE GO!!!

Few days after the Funeral

Jasper has received a letter from the king of Undervill.




It would seem.. They're declaring war for the lost of their one and only huntress... Funny, Jasper had suspected something like this would happen. He order Suave to inform the vampire and prepare for battle against the mortal in the Village. It would seem Jasper planned to finish this war, once and for all.. 

Few hours later

There's an army, in the vampires side, rising up in the sky ready to defend their kind and existence.

There's an army, in the mortal side, rising up as well. They are armed with heavy equipment ready to put their lives at risk, just to end the war as well. 

"Everyone," Jasper turned to his fellow vampires, "this might be... you could say, our last battle along side together. Make everything count, fight for those you care and love, fight for those who lost their lives for us." 

Many vampires already know who they'll be fighting for... 




A horn blew in the distance and the mortals ran towards them. Some on foot, others on horses. Jasper had never seen such a large army from the village, especially it was his first time leading an army. He shook his head.

"Vampires!" He commanded, "Take flight! let's go!" With that, vampires flew into the air and dived towards the mortals.

The mortals shot a few Vampires down with guns and arrows. The vampire attacked the mortals and the war began.

Bloodshed was everywhere, the battle was vicious. Both sides are determined to finish the job. Jasper fought against Azure, Charlos fought against Rufus, and other vampires against the mortals.

Azure clashed his sword against Jasper's. "Give up! You're outnumbered by all of us!"

"You will never win!"Jasper yelled and get Azure off him, "We are determined! To end this!" Before he could attack Azure, He felt a pain surge through his body. He tried to fly, but His right wing was bleeding to much it caused him to fall back to the ground. As he tried to get up, he was kicked in the stomach instead. Criox, one of Eterna's student (Cross), gripped his axe and raised it in the air.

"Revenge to what you did to Eterna," He said coldly and swung the axe down, cutting off Jasper's right wing. 

Jasper yelled in pain. Knowing this, Charlos attacks Criox distracting him and getting him away from Jasper.

With every once of his strength, Jasper gets up despite all the pain he's feeling. "It's not over yet..."

Azure nods and wait for Jasper to attack. As if on cue, They both launched themselves towards each other.

Let's take a short break shall we?

Alright back to the WAR.

2 days has passed and the war was finally over, nothing was left. Dust everywhere from the long fight, weapons broken and burnt, flags on the ground on both sides. 

it would appear... both existence of both kind... had disappear.

Suddenly, someone bursts up off of a pile of dust catching his breath. "AIR! SWEET SWEET AIR!! DON'T LET ME DIE!!" 

He crawls to the vampire flag with his left wing draggin behind him and his right wing gone. He raises the flag into the air as the sun began to rise from behind the mountain tops.

"We... won..."He panted looking pleased to himself, "If only... you two... were here... Father... and... (Y/n)...." With those last words he flopped back to the ground heavily breathing.

Other Vampires burst up out of a pile of dust breathing in air. They cheered for their victory, they cheered on for Jasper their new king, they cheered on for new life ahead of them. They prayed for those who have lost their lives to have a safe journey through the after life with The King of all Vampires... Fallacy.

A New Life has Begun.

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