The Capture

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A few hours after explaining to Encre on what happened that night.

Encre's POV:

It's interesting how (Y/n) can look innocent in one second, the next, she turns to a ella diable. Pardon my word, but it's how I recall it by just remembering the event now.

After Fallacy finished telling the story, I told him I was just going to take a walk. He didn't seem to like the idea of me going alone, so I told him I would be with (y/n). He finally approved to let me go with (Y/n) after a few whole 4 hours of saying that I'll be safe. I went to get ready to go to take a walk with (y/n).

Time le skip to outside

Today was beautiful. Clear blue sky, warm sunrays, birds singing, and the forest seems to be quite lively right now too! I should've brought my art supplies with me so I can paint this beautiful day as one of the most wonderful day memories. I looked over to (Y/n) who seem to be staring afar. I feel bad for what happened to her last night. Wish I should've stopped her instead of being a coward....

We saw the village that (Y/n) and I both came from. We didn't dare approach it or even go near it. I still remember what Azure told us before we escaped.

"Encre?" (Y/n) said quietly, "Can I ask you something...?"

I turned my attention to her and nodded.

"Whatever happens," She began, "I want you to know that-" Before she could finish her sentence, there was a yell, a cry, an alert that it was too familiar...

"IT'S THE TRAITORS!!!" Eterna yelled as a few guards charged towards us. (Y/n) pulled me to run.

We ran as fast as we can away from them, but wherever we go, the guards would find us. We both were getting tired of running after a few hours.

"We need to get back and alert Fallacy!" I cried out to (Y/n) who kept her focus ahead. I soon tripped on a stump and fell down still hearing the guards barking behind us. As I was getting up, a rope went around me tying me instantly.





Eterna captured me. I called out to (Y/n) as loud as I can, but it seemed that she was too far off already. I was going to yell again, but Eterna gagged me with drug causing me to pass out. Before I did I heard her last word before blacking out.
































"Don't worry, He'll take good care of you Encre."


Author's note:

Sorry guys for the short story, I'll update more often! ^^ Stay tune!!



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