Awkward Rescue

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Encré's POV:

 I wiggled around the table that I was strapped into as Orion was starting a machine that was next to me. Honestly, I'm scared for my life... I looked around to see if I use something... ANYTHING... to get myself out of here... nothing... I looked over to Orion with pleading in my eyes, he turned away not wanting to see how scared I am or how he would be feeling after this...

"Orion, was it not?"I began trying to force a smile but fails to do so, "p-please, I beg of you... Ne faites pas cela *don't do this*"

Orion hesitated for a moment before he began talking. "I honestly am scared of doing this to you Mr... but you must understand... I simply cannot just disobey the Dr's instructions... he also said that you are too dangerous to all mortals."

"Listen to m-me Orion," I said stuttering my words, "You need t-to let me g-go... there is someone that... I-I cared and... and l-love..." As much as I hate to admit it, I... 

Before I could finish my thoughts, I felt a needle poke my arm. Orion was beginning to attach the tubes as the machine made a ding sound, which means that it was ready.

"Sorry Monsieur Encre," He said with a hint of guilt in his voice, "truly I am."

 (Y/N)'s POV:

"Hmm..." I was looking at a variety of fruits to buy while Suave is just sit near the fountain in deep thoughts... sometimes I wonder what he this in his head...

Suave's POV: 

Okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokok..... I looked at the time on my pocket watch, it was nearly 3 am in the morning. 






I stood up and ran to Lady (Y/n) who was... still looking through the fruits. i stood beside her talking fast. Why? oh well dear readers as you can remember from the last chapter, WE NEED TO SAVE LORD ENCRE!!! oh and I bet you reader forgot? back to what i was SUPPOSE to say...

"Excusemegoodsir,howmuchmoneywillallthesecost?!" I said tapping my foot impatiently, "Wearequiteinaverymuchlateappointment."

"um-" Before the shopkeeper could say anything, I throw a sack of coins at his face. I placed lady (Y/n) in the cart and rolled it away from the unconscious shopkeeper looking at the time.

"Late late late.." I mumbled to myself, "you shouldn't stall time like that lady (Y/n), remember what we are here for..."

She thought for a moment before eating the apple she picked in the cart. 

"You are right Suave, but you should probably watch where you're going..."

"What?" I asked in confusion as I heard a loud thud on front of the cart. I didn't stop to check cause the red hair says it all. Eterna the revealed a very angry look.

"Found you!!"She yelled.

(Y/n) throws fruits at her but keeps missing, except the watermelon, it hit Eterna right on the head literally. The girl may not be able to throw good but man I lo-- er mean like her... yea? 

"Suave!" (Y/n) yelled, "WALL!"


"I said-!"

Before she could finish her sentence, we three rammed into the wall of a ... house I think? 

Well, once the dust cleared, I can see exactly where we are now. 





 we just crashed in Dr. Simon's lab. A little boy and someone strapped on the table looked at us with shocked and surprised faces.

"Um..."(Y/n) started, "surprise?"

"Les gars! *you guys!* Thank Asgore... WTF took you guys so long!" Lord Encré said with relief yet fright in his eyes.

"a certain someone decided to buy fruits for quite a... LONG time..." I replied hastily, "but we're here now... to save you in this... awkward situation?"

Eterna stood up from the rubble looking quite angry and insane. 

Y o u   a r e n ' t   g o i n g   A N Y W H E R E. . . . .

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