Journal Entry 15

290 17 2

November 7, 2010

Dear Journal,
Wow. Today was crazy. I don't know how else to explain it. It was just...crazy.

I was sure that the purple-haired bitch had ratted me out and given a description of my face to the police officers. They had visited her in her room a few days ago and those stupid security guards standing outside the door probably know what I look like. I couldn't risk being caught, so before I did anything else, I gave myself a little make over. I needed to be as plain as possible.

So, I cut my hair even shorter than it was before and I dyed it a dark brown. I also got some contacts in a brown color. I bought a brown eyeliner and dusted some light freckles across my nose and cheeks. To top it off, I bought some classic fake black-rimmed glasses and some nurse's scrubs.

I went to the backside of the hospital where most of the staff entered and I waited. As a nurse that looked similar to my disguise left the building, I ran up near them and "accidentally" bumped into them. After saying sorry, we went on our separate ways like nothing happened, but not after I stole their staff ID card from their pocket. Obviously they didn't know about their missing staff ID card, but they will soon enough. Enough time for me to do what I wanted to do.

I was in the hospital successfully. Now I just needed to find that purple-haired bitch's room. I had it memorized by heart. Room 2243. I made my way through the halls and made sure to keep my head down. I couldn't be gaining attention. Then I was there. Right outside Room 2243. Now I just had to get past the security guards. They looked at me and asked to see my ID before I scanned it and went inside.

I held my breath. Cathrine was sitting in a chair beside the purple-haired bitch's bed. She was asleep with her head on the bed and her arms folded underneath. She was gorgeous of course. I couldn't find a single flaw even if I tried. The purple-haired bitch was asleep as well. Perfect.

I saw a pillow slumped behind Cathrine in her chair and I slowly slipped it out from behind her. She didn't stir in the slightest. I held the pillow up above the purple-haired bitch's face and I prepared myself. I was finally going to be able to kill this bitch once and for all.

Then I lunged at her with the pillow in hand. Immediately, the purple-haired bitch woke up and started to thrash around, but I held the pillow firmly over her face. She wasn't going anywhere.

She was slowing down her movements when all of the sudden I felt a large force hit me in the back. I was knocked me to the ground and off the purple-haired bitch. I looked up and I couldn't believe it. It was Cathrine of all people. Why would she do that? Why would she stop me from killing that bitch?

"Get off of her!" Cathrine screamed. Her eyes were full of anger and her hair and clothes were still rumpled from where she had been sleeping.

"Don't you get it?! She is in the way of us. I'm doing this for us." I yelled back. At this point, the security guards that had been standing outside the door came bounding in. I jumped back to my feet and I looked at my surroundings. Two security guards, a very angry looking Cathrine, and a helpless purple-haired bitch. We all stood frozen. One waiting for the other make a move.

Then a short and fat security guard lunged at me. I was too quick for him and I easily ducked out of the way. That security guard shouldn't have eating so many donuts. They really slowed him down.

Then that's where things really got out of hand. Fists and feet went flying from every direction. Yells were filling my ears. I could barely keep the security guards off of me. Luckily I was able to punch that short guy right in the throat and face and he was out like a light.

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