Journal Entry 14

281 17 4

October 31, 2010

Dear Journal,
What will I do? Or yet, what can I do? I can't find anything that will work. Trust me. My life with Cathrine is looking like it is far away at this point. I need help, but I have no one to help me. No friends. No family. Not even a dog or something like that for God's sake.

I could try and go kill the purple-haired bitch that refused to die, but I don't know how I could do it. They now have security guards standing outside the door 24/7. Cathrine has barely left the hospital. She is there at night and usually sleeps there even if the visiting hours are over. The nurses allow her to stay. I guess they feel sorry for that purple-haired bitch and they think she doesn't have anyone else.

Honestly, that's what it appears to be. No one else has come to visit her. She wasn't kidding when she has no one else. It's no wonder though, she's a horrible person. I don't even know why Cathrine bothers to stay near that creature. I guess she just feels so sorry for her and knows that no one will actually love that purple-haired bitch, so she spend time with her to make feel better.

My dearest Cathrine is loving like that, and that's one of the many reasons why I love her. But why does she always ignore me? Can't she see that she has to love me? I'm her soul mate for God's sake! That purple-haired bitch needs to back away. She should know by now not to mess with me or my relationship with Cathrine.

Speaking of the purple-haired bitch, she is actually starting to recover. The doctors couldn't save either one of her eyes. I'm glad she'll have something to remember me by. She deserves it for keeping Cathrine and I apart. She deserves so much more, but I guess her eyes will have to do. For now at least.

If only I could find a way to get into her room. A way I will be undetected. In and out like I was never there. I have no idea how though. The only people that can get into the room other than Cathrine are the security guards, doctors, and nurses.

No wait...I've got it. I know what I need to do. I'll be back later Journal. This helped immensely.

Author's Note
I know it's short guys, but I'll be back! My timing may be a bit weird since I am currently in the beautiful country of GERMANY. I'll be here for the next month and I love it over here.

Speaking of countries, where are you guys from?

Thanks for reading!

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