Entry Number 3

521 25 4

September 6, 2010

Dear Journal,
I took a day to think about what I want to do next involving Cathrine. I want to take another step into our relationship. The day away was also for Cathrine. I wanted her to have time to adjust to finally finding me. Surely she'll know who I am by the next time I see her if she doesn't already know. I went through a lot of different ideas yesterday on how to advance my relationship with Cathrine.

Send a letter or put a note on her room door? I don't think so.
Chase her down and ask her out to dinner? Maybe.
Give her jewelry? Not bad. She seems to be a fan of jewelry.
Send flowers? Definitely not. I know that Cathrine doesn't really like flowers. I just know it. What I don't know is how I am supposed to woo her. I guess I am going to have to figure it out in the future. This is going to be difficult.

Late last night I had a thought. There are a number of creepers on campus. Lots of people would do horrible things to get a glimpse of a woman that is indecent. I  would hate for Cathrine to have to deal with that. I want Cathrine to feel safe under my care. So, at two in the morning, I got up and ordered some of the smallest cameras known. I want them to be small so that they don't take up a lot of room in Cathrine's dorm. I also don't want her to take them down. She needs my protection weather she knows it or not. The cameras were extremely expensive, but definitely worth it. Anything is worth it for Cathrine.

I created a plan while I was up last night. I am going to wait outside her dorm building. I don't want to scare her. Once Cathrine is gone, I am going to pick the lock to her dorm and install the cameras all over her dorm, her bathroom, and her window. I want Cathrine to be safe after all. You can never be too cautious.

I plan on sitting under the huge willow tree near the doors of Cathrine's dorm building. Lots of college girls go out at night, so chances are I won't have to wait that long for Cathrine to leave if she isn't already out. I am going to go ahead and go to Cathrine's building right now.

I'll be back later to tell you about how it went. Thank you for listening Journal.

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