Journal Entry 13

320 18 6

October 27, 2010

Dear Journal,
I don't know what to do. Nothing went how it was supposed to. I just can't handle it anymore. No matter what I do, things don't go how I want them to. I was so excited for today, but everything is ruined. Just ruined!

I was so excited to see the reaction of people seeing that purple-haired bitch tied to the willow tree. I even angled the camera by Cathrine's window towards the willow tree. I stayed up all night waiting for someone to discover the purple-haired bitch.

Finally, at around 6:30 in the morning, a guy and girl exited Cathrine's building while holding hands. The guy said something to make the girl laugh and she playfully pushed him right into the hanging limbs of the willow tree. He tripped and fell over the purple-haired bitch. Then he started to scream. Much like a little girl to be honest. The girl he was with stepped under the willow tree and soon began to scream as well.

The guy kept screaming for the girl to call 911 and she scrambled to find her phone in her bag. The guy used two fingers to check for a pulse on the purple-haired bitch. Too bad he wasn't going to find anything.

Well, that's what I thought until he started yelling that he could feel a small pulse. I couldn't believe it. How could she still be alive?! I sadly couldn't do anything because there were now several people surrounding the purple-haired bitch. The guy and girl's yelling attracted the attention of people walking to class. Soon enough, the police and an ambulance showed up and Cathrine was no where to be seen. So, I looked at the other cameras to see what Cathrine was up to.

Cathrine had slept in due to her late night of drinking, but she woke up when her phone started going off like crazy. She stretched her body and groaned while grumbling to herself, but as soon as she looked at her messages on her phone, she was wide awake. The cameras unfortunately couldn't see what was on her phone, but my guess was that it had to deal with the purple-haired bitch that just wouldn't die.

Cathrine sprang into action and slipped on the nearest shoes near her, which was a pair of knee high boots, and sprinted out of the room as fast she could. She didn't bother to do anything else. I don't think I've ever seen someone move so fast.

Cathrine was outside her dorm in no time and near the ambulance that the purple-haired bitch was being rolled into. When Cathrine saw her, she busted out crying. I'm guessing tears of joy. What else could it be? She tried to get into the ambulance, but the EMT's wouldn't let her in. Why was she trying to see the purple-haired bitch?

Before she could protest any more, a police officer tapped her on the shoulder and started to speak to her. Then Cathrine nodded and went into their car where they soon drove her away. I could only guess that they were going to take her to the police station, but I have no idea what it could be about. I couldn't hear what they said unfortunately. There was just so much ruckus and the camera was too far away to pick up their specific voices. How frustrating!

I soon hacked into the hospital system and their security cameras (thank God I had some friends to teach me how in high school), and found out where the purple-haired bitch was being kept. She was was currently undergoing surgery for something I didn't bother to check, so I just waited. I felt useless. Cathrine was doing who knows what and the purple-haired bitch was still alive. I can't do anything right.

After a couple hours, Cathrine came rushing into the hospital and asked the front desk about the purple-haired bitch. Yet again I couldn't hear a name, but if I did, I wouldn't have cared. That purple-haired bitch means nothing to me. Only my dearest Cathrine matters.

The lady behind the desk shook her head and pointed to an area filled with chairs. Cathrine slugged over to one of the chairs and sat down. She looked frantic and kept bouncing her leg up and down nervously. Her grey eyes were wide open and darting around the room over and over. Cathrine just couldn't stand still. What was her problem and why did she want to see the purple-haired bitch that was always tormenting her? I just couldn't get it.

After hours upon hours, a doctor came into the room and started talking to Cathrine. She then stood up suddenly and walked at a fast pace down the long halls and stopped at a room with the number 2243. There were two security guards standing outside the room for some reason too. I don't know why they would have them there. Cathrine opened the door slowly and stepped inside.

Underneath a pile of blankets and bandages was the purple-haired bitch. When she heard the door close, she snapped wide awake started freaking out, but she couldn't see because of the bandages covering both of her eyes. Guess she thought it was me in the room and not Cathrine. Or maybe she did think it was Cathrine and that's why she started to freak out.

Cathrine started to shush her while telling her who it was in the room. Cathrine rushed to the purple-haired bitch's bed and started to hold her hand while talking. Then she started to cry a bit. The purple-haired bitch smiled softly and said something back. Then you would never guess what happened. Cathrine leaned down and she kissed that purple-haired bitch. Right on the mouth! The audacity!

I went out of my way to make sure that that stupid purple-haired bitch doesn't hurt my Cathrine and here she is, kissing her. And with a lot of passion I might add. Cathrine should know who I am. She should know that she isn't supposed to be kissing that horrid looking thing, but should be kissing me instead.

I've had too many partners not give a damn about me! Even my good for nothing parents. No matter what I did, they just didn't care. No one has cared. They all just threw me away like I was trash. Now Cathrine doesn't even seem to care! What is wrong with me?! What have I been doing wrong this whole time? I need answers.

I couldn't watch Cathrine kiss that horrible purple-haired bitch anymore, so I shut off my laptop. This has gone way too far. Cathrine has to know who I am. Cathrine hasn't been accepting me as her soulmate in the slightest. I need to figure out what to do. This isn't going to be easy.

Author's Note
Wow. I'm back in business guys! I thought to add a little bit of a surprise (well, at least I hope it was a surprise to some of you).

This was a little bit of a shorter journal entry, and I apologize. Hopefully I can get my lazy butt to make some more journal entries for you to enjoy.

Well, until next time!

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