Entry Number 5

513 29 7

September 20, 2010

Dear Journal,
I know it's been a while, two weeks to be in fact, but I've been busy. Cathrine has required my full attention of every second of every day. She may not think she needs me to watch over her all the time, but she does. I know she does. The cameras were a great idea of mine and have been useful over the past two weeks. I don't regret it in the least amount.

I have tried to memorize Cathrine's schedule over these past two weeks. I want to know where she is at every moment. Not only that, I want to be with her at every moment. Every day, I watch her get up at 8:30 to go to classes. She always takes her time showering, picking out what she wants to wear, putting it on, doing her hair, and applying a little bit of makeup. She doesn't need the makeup though because she is the most beautiful thing to ever exist. I will definitely try to get her to wear it less often so I can see her gorgeous face without it. It is pure perfection.

While she's getting ready, she will hum or sing to herself and my heart sings with it. Her singing is always so glorious. She usually sings classical music and I haven't recognized them all, but I have recognized a few of the songs, such as In The Hall of the Mountain King.

Occasionally, she'll sing a random pop song from any decade, like Hey Jude, Sweet Child O' Mine, The Void, Good Riddance, Promiscuous Girl, or Pocketful of Sunshine. She'll dance around the room in circles or just sway her hips back and forth and I am amazed of how elegant she is. Every morning she makes me realize why she is my soul mate. Everything about her is perfect. She is my everything.

Every day, Cathrine comes home at a different time. Usually the one girl with the purple hair is with her if she isn't by herself. I haven't bothered to learn the name of the purple-haired girl, but I don't need to. I don't want to learn her name. Her name is irrelevant. Besides, once Cathrine realizes who I am, she won't remember the name of the purple-haired girl.

The purple-haired girl always stays with Cathrine for at least an hour when they get back to Cathrine's dorm, sometimes multiple. They'll study and do assignments with the radio playing at a low volume. Each day is a different genre or decade being played. One day it's all Broadway pieces, and the next it will be 80's Rock. Another day it will be R&B, and the day after it is Today's Top 40. They rarely say anything to each other the whole time.

The purple-haired girl is taking up too much of Cathrine's time. She's always around. Why can't she give Cathrine a break? After two weeks, I am already annoyed by her very presence. She needs to give Cathrine some space. I need some time with my soul mate and she is getting in the way of that. I need to figure out a way to get near my dearest Cathrine without her annoying friend sticking around. The sooner I am alone to talk to Cathrine, the better.

Once the purple-haired girl leaves, Catherine gets ready for bed. Every night she wears a baggy long t-shirt, underwear, but no pants. Her pale legs are long despite her small height and I can't help but sigh every time I see her get dressed. There are no words to describe how beautiful she is without her clothes on. Her clothes conceal so much, and I can finally see all of her beauty a couple times a day.

Every night it gets harder to restrain myself from knocking on her door, strolling in, and sleeping with her in my arms. I can't wait to see her and have a real conversation with her, unlike today, but I'll get to that later. I will shower her with all the love in the world and more when we are finally together.

After Cathrine goes to sleep, I wait an hour and watch her, just in case she wakes up. Her face looks so relaxed and peaceful when she's asleep. She reminds me of Sleeping Beauty.

I have Cathrine's blue dress hanging neatly from a hook on the wall in my bedroom. When I fall asleep at night, it is the last thing I see. It reminds me of Cathrine and all of her beauty each time I lay eyes on it.

On another note, one of the things that has been getting to me every day has been the fact that Cathrine is totally and completely oblivious of me. She keeps ignoring me. Last Wednesday, I sat on my usual bench while Catherine sat on the lawn.

She was wearing a pair of ripped washed-out jeans. They were clearly very old and washed so many times to the point where they were more of a light grey than black. She wore a loose flowing white t-shirt that was obviously worn a lot. There were various colors of paint splattered all across her white shirt, but she didn't seem to care. On her feet were some old, beaten, red converse. Her beautiful brown-red hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, and this time she was wearing red lipstick to match her converse and some of the paint splatters on her shirt.

This time when she was on the lawn, she was alone. Her annoying friend wasn't there to bother her. Instead of studying like she usually does, she sat underneath a tree with a sketchbook in her lap. Her eyebrows were scrunched while her hand flew over the page. I was so excited to see what she was drawing this time.

This time I was going to go up to her and have a conversation. This was the time I was going to remember as "The Day Cathrine Realized Who I Was".

I stood up from the bench and started to walk towards Cathrine. Then, I stopped.

I couldn't just interrupt Cathrine while she was drawing. She looked to be in her own little world. She would be angry if I pulled her out of it. I didn't want our first real conversation to start out with anger. That would be horrible. That's not how I want to remember it, but I have to do something fast. I haven't talked to her in over two weeks. I can't wait any longer. She is irresistible.

I plan on going to the campus coffee shop tomorrow. Cathrine almost always gets a plain black coffee before her first class, so that is one of the few chances I will be able to finally talk to Cathrine. I have never seen the purple-haired girl at the coffee shop, so I probably won't have to worry about her interrupting us. I can't wait to see Cathrine again. She'll probably know who I am when she sees me tomorrow. I just know it.

Thank you for listening to me Journal. I can't wait to tell you how Cathrine reacts once she sees I am her soul mate. It is going to be one of the greatest days of my life, one of them being the day I first saw Cathrine. The perfect woman.

Author's Note
How do you like the story so far?

I'm sorry if you have been waiting for an update. I should have been writing, but the procrastinator in me stopped that from happening!

Any feedback, comments, or advice are greatly appreciated.
Thank you guys so much!

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