Entry Number 2

642 33 5

September 4, 2010

Dear Journal,
I couldn't find Cathrine for the longest time today. I freaked out for a while to be honest.

I spent every second I could walking around the campus looking for her. Finally, after an hour of running around, I found her sitting in the same spot she was yesterday.

Her hair was in soft curls around her face and she had light pink lipstick on. She also had lots of gold jewelry. There were gold hoops in her ears, a couple of different necklaces, a bunch of jangly bracelets, and a golden band shaped as snake wrapped around her arm. She had a white blouse tucked into a long dark green skirt that flowed down to her ankles. I could see some gold-colored sandals peeking out from underneath the long skirt. I couldn't help but sigh. Cathrine was beautiful as always.

This time, she wasn't alone. There was a caramel-colored girl with waist-length purple hair sitting next to Cathrine. The girl, who I'm assuming is her friend, wasn't anywhere as beautiful as Cathrine. No one could ever compare to my Cathrine. Her friend wore a simple white t-shirt with "Metallica" written across the top that was tucked into a pair of black ripped shorts. She wore a pair of beat up black and white Converse on her feet.

I couldn't hear what Cathrine's friend had said to make Cathrine laugh. She was speaking so softly. Cathrine's laugh was light and sounded like music to my ears. I can't wait to hear it more in the future. I sat on the same bench as yesterday and watched Cathrine talk to the person I am assuming is her friend. I will never get bored of watching her.

After only a few minutes of talking, they got up, dusted themselves off, and starting walking in the direction opposite of the coffee shop. Obviously I couldn't just leave Cathrine, so I followed them as they walked towards where most of the dorms were. This meant that I had the possibility to find out where she lived. If she ever needs me or is in danger I could easily find her at her room. She wouldn't even have to tell me anything. I would just know because, you know, we're soul mates.

After a short minute or two, Cathrine and her friend made it to one of the many dorm room buildings and went inside. They climbed up the stairs and Cathrine's skirt floated behind her. They went around the corner to a dorm room with the number 33 written on it. I made a mental note to remember her room is on the second floor, dorm number 33. I decided to hang back at the corner at the end of the hallway. At this moment point I wondered why Cathrine hasn't noticed me yet. Why wouldn't she just look at me?

Cathrine stopped, dug through her bag and later pulled out her keys, flipped through a few of them before finally finding the one she was looking for and unlocked the door. She and her friend went inside the dorm and shut the door as soon as I decided to walk up and talk to her.

This made me so frustrated. In fact, I'm still frustrated about it. I can get the fact that it may have been a shock to meeting me yesterday, but why is she still ignoring me? I'm her soul mate and a day should have been enough time. I'll give her a little bit more time to adjust and accept me. Maybe she's having a hard time taking it all in. Or maybe she's just playing hard to get. I can dig hard to get.


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