Chapter 19: Rematch: Dragon vs Demon

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I just realized I never showed what Xavier's sword looked liked. So here it is I guess. All made from dragon scales. It shines with light thanks to the special dragon scales from Dagna.

Anyway. Back to the story. Xavier's POV

I sat down in another chair made by Shinrin with the others in the table discussing our plans for how the hell to take Randy down. Which I oddly enough I didn't notice that Shinrin also changed clothes and now has bunny ears. Weird. I don't care though. My tail is comfy!

" Okay, what is our plan? Any ideas? " asked Erza trying to come up with a plan in short notice.


" I think I have an idea." said Natsu.

" Yeah right ash head." said Grey. " I have a plan."

" Like anyone's gonna listen to you frosty!" said Natsu trying to provoke him.

" You wanna go flame brain?!" shouted Grey.

" YEAH, LET'S GO!" shouted Natsu lighting up his fists.

Grey started to prepare an ice make until Akira knocked both their heads together.

" Shut up! This is serious." Said Akira getting angry.

I saw Erza give Akira a thumbs up before getting back to the matter at hand.

I looked over at the other side and saw Yoshino and Tatsuki talking about something. Let's see...

" I think I've finally translated that weird crypt in the walls." Said Yoshino to Tatsuki.

" Are you sure?" Asked Tatsuki.

" Yes. I think I know Randy's weakness!" Said Yoshino with confidence.

" His weakness?" I asked looking at both of them. Everyone looked at them as soon as I talked. And they all asked the same thing.

" Well, I have a plan." Said Yoshino.

" Well speak little girl." Said Akira looking at her with his arms crossed.

Yoshino took a deep breath and sighed. " Here, goes..."

One long plan explanation later, because I want you guys to find out later... later.

3rd POV

Erza, Grey, Zero, Akira, and Shinrin were in front of the Titan's dismembered torso. They are waiting for something. They could see some guards in front of it. 2 actually.

" I'll take care of it." Said Zero as he stretched his arm out. " Pull."

The clones were immediately pulled towards Zero and the others and before they could do anything Akira slashed both of them and knocked them out.

" Well that takes care of those douches." Said Akira happily.

" Yeah." Said Zero.

" We're ready Master." Said Zero looking up.

Xavier was in a tree on top of them along with along with Natsu, Tatsuki, Minako and Yoshino. He responded with a simple nod. As soon as he did, he kept on looking inside the Titan's torso through a huge hole there. They didn't seem to many guards now as there were before. Probably some of them were at the legs. It seems clear.

Zero went on ahead with the others and quietly went inside.

" I hope this works." Said Xavier a bit worried. Then Yoshino got next to him.

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