Chapter 11: The Dark Truth

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3rd person view

Erza looked furiously at Minako who was still holding out her two long katanas. Minako was prepared to fight to the death. Erza was prepared to fight to the death as well.

" I'll give you one last chance to tell us where Xavier is." asked Erza in a demanding tone. Still aiming her sword at her.

" I won't tell you anything, unless you can beat it out of me." responded Minako in a menacing tone. Minako wasn't willing to tell anyone anything.

" Well don't say I didn't warn you..." said Erza as she requiped into her " The Knight" armor. She jumped at Minako with two swords in hand.

Minako parried off both swords and jumped back, but Erza continued charging at her. Erza summoned four more swords by her side as she flew right at Minako.

" Heaven's Wheel!" screamed out Erza as her swords span horizontally and attacked Minako like a chainsaw type of attack. Minako was surprised by the swords appearing out of nowhere. Minako was sent flying into the tree as she tried to block some of the swords. But the swords cut her a bit in the left shoulder and left leg.

" Agh! " shouted Minako as she hit the tree. She let go of her swords because of the pain of the impact. She fell to the floor. Minako was gasping for air. When she looked up she saw Erza pointing her sword at her.

" Now will you answer my question?" Asked Erza again. Minako didn't respond as she stood up. She took off her cloak and set it aside and put on the armor at her hips. They were shoulder guards and gauntlets. Minako was still gasping for air, but slowly calming down.

" Nice trick." Commented Minako. She looked a lot more serious than earlier. Two swords appeared in her hands, the same ones as earlier. Erza looked at where the swords landed but they were gone. They were the same swords. Minako sheathed her swords and spread her arms forwards. Her hands were facing down. Her arms span in a circle.

" Now it's my turn. Warped Universe: Room!" shouted Minako as wind started to surround both Minako and Erza. Erza was baffled at what she saw. But that didn't deteriorate her from her objective. A sphere appeared around Minako and Erza.

" Now you're in my room. As the saying goes: My room my rules!" said Minako as she took her swords again. With her right arm she began to draw it into her left side. " One Sword Style: Flying Slash!" shouted Minako as she brung her right arm to the other side and a flying slash came out headed towards Erza.

" What?!" Erza exclaimed as she flew to the side to evade the attack. But the flying slash followed her.

Erza flew to another side trying to evade but the slash followed her still. She kept trying to go somewhere else but the slash kept following her. And every time she tried to evade it, it just got faster.

Erza's POV

What's going on? No matter where I go, this attack keeps following me. What do I do?

*inside anime gasp* I have an idea.

I put my swords in front of the flying slash hoping to stop it. But the slash went right through my swords cutting them cleanly. The slash was getting faster. During the time that that it cut right through my swords, I flew towards Minako. The slash followed. But it was going to catch up eventually if I didn't do something.

"How about some of your own medicine?" I said as I flew above Minako. The slash followed me and as planned headed right towards Minako. In a split second, she looked at me and disappeared. The slash continued it's flying path towards me.

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