Chapter 14: The True Demon

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Akari in the picture above

3rd POV

There was smoke everywhere around the broken down castle. Then both Akira and Zero rushed out of the smoke there looking terrified.

" What the hell?!?!" Screamed out Akira.

" That was Master?! What's going on?!" Shouted Zero in complete fear.

" I don't know what that was but that was not Xavier!" Shouted Akira as he ran.

" We need to do something!" Said Zero.

" No shit Sherlock! But first we need to get weapons. My sword at the very least." Said Akira

" What's with you and that sword?!" Shouted Zero.

" That sword is the reason I'm still alive!" Shouted Akira.

Zero stayed quiet as they ran. More thuds were heard. They began to run faster and farther. They looked back and saw blue eyes staring at them. Then another Roar. They ran faster once again.

" Where the hell is that trophy room?" Asked Akira. They continued to run past a bunch of rooms. Some had swords some had chemicals, some were torture chambers and some were just weird.

Another explosion.

" What the hell?!" Shouted Akira.

A wall broke next to them with some smoke. When the smoke cleared, there was a red head, a blonde, a half-naked man, a woman with a katana, a blue haired girl, another blonde fox girl, and a flying cat. The Fairy Tail team!

Erza immediately ran towards Zero and pushed him towards a wall with her sword pointed at him.

" Where's Xavier?" Asked Erza in a demanding tone.

" Wait! Let me explain!" Pleaded Zero.

" Wait Erza, where's my brother?" Asked Tatsuki.

" Um... that's a bit complicated." Said Zero softly.

" Then make it simple!" Said Erza with the eyes of a demon.

" Okay, okay, just don't kill me!" Said Zero.

Erza let him go. " Jeez. Any way Xavier's on a rampage!" Said Zero.

" Rampage? Wait, you don't mean he's-" said Tasuki.

The roof began to collapse. Akira out of instinct caught the blondes and the cat. Erza ran out with Tasuki, and Zero grabbed the other girl. The collapse of the roof caused a collapse of the floor and a hole appeared.

" Everybody okay?" Asked Erza setting Tasuki down. She saw Akira with Happy, Minako and Lucy; and Zero with Yoshino. But some one was missing. " Wait! Where's Grey?" Asked Erza.

Rumbling was heard from the bottom of the now collapsed floor. It seemed endless until they saw Grey at the bottom.

" I'm over here. Ow... Hey what the hell?! Why didn't you grab me you wolf?!" Shouted Grey.

" Not enough time." Said Akira setting down both Lucy and Minako.

" Thanks. Um, who are you?" Said Lucy.

Akira punched his chest. " The name's Akira the Warwolf!" Said Akira proudly.

" Okay, just dial it down a bit." Said Minako.

" Who are you two anyway?" Asked Akira.

They introduced themselves and Grey shouted once more.

" Hey! Don't ignore me! Anyway, there's a passage way down here. You might wanna get down here." Said Grey.

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