Chapter 17: Akira's Past

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Xavier's POV

We were now where this whole mess began. Hunter's Land Base. Minako set me down near a table that was flipped over, my tail was uncomfortable though; then she went to get a chair next to me and sat down.. Erza, Lucy and Grey were talking about something. Probably something about what the hell to do about that Titan thing. Zero was sitting down in a chair looking at Shinrin's key that he took from me when I turned. Tatsuki and Yoshino sat right next to me to rest a bit. She looked at me for a second before she summoned a cloaked sword with her magic. She then gave it to me. I unwrapped it. My Sword!

" You found my sword! You found it?" I asked Tatsuki happily.

" Yep, it was on top of the tree where you went missing. Try not to lose it this time okay?" asked Tatsuki annoying me.

" Yeah, yeah..." I commented waving my hand randomly.

" Okay we need to plan our next move."  said Erza out loud as the others got around us.

I looked around the destroyed room. " Hey, where the heck is Akira?" I asked outloud.

We heard some small cluttering in the kitchen, then a complain. " Jeez, these guys never cleaned this place, even before they were gone." It was Akira's voice. The kitchen doors opened. But instead of Akira, a little wolf with black fur came in with it's wings. It had a little purple sword on it's back. It sat down in a tipped over chair that he fixed up.

" Akira?" I asked dumbfounded. He looked at me.

" Yes, this is me. My true form." Said Akira looking around. " This place is still a mess." 

I felt a bit hurt again. My  whole body burned and ached. " God. What did I do to myself?" I said quietly.

Tatsuki looked at me concerned about me. " Hey Yoshino, mind healing Xavier? " asked Tatsuki.

Yoshino nodded. Then Tatsuki summoned a bottle of water, which she gave to Yoshino. Yoshino crouched near me and opened the bottle. The water came out magically and applied directly into my wounds. Yoshino put her hands on my left hand and the water there glowed, and it felt a whole lot better.

" You know healing magic?" asked Grey a bit surprised. So was everyone. Yoshino blushed.

" Yep. Dagna taught her mirror and water dragon slayer magic." Said Tatsuki without thinking.

There was silence. " SHE'S A WATER DRAGON SLAYER?!?!?!?" Shouted everyone in surprise. But Natsu looked the most surprised.

" In training." I added. " So far she only knows water dragon healing spells. But she needs an outside source in her case."

Lucy was a bit confused, yet shocked. She started talking." But why, you were raised by a dragon right? So why-"

" Now's not the time to dig deep into everyone's personal history!" I shouted. I was breathing heavily at this point. " We need to figure out a way to beat that goddamn thing!"

Everyone looked at me. There was silence. Yoshino changed from my arm to my tail.  Erza nodded. " He's right. We need to do something about that Titan." started Erza.

Finally a sane person. She'll definitely come up with something.

" Bu... we know absolutely nothing about the Titan so we're in a stump" finished Erza.

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