Chapter 15: Dragon of Wrath

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The Dragon looked only at Randy, pretty much ignoring everyone else. Tatsuki was still a bit shocked though. Randy wasn't surprised at all. Almost as if he knew about this.

" So. You're a dragon now, are you? No matter. You still won't be able to kill me." Said Randy in a overconfident way. He took out his sword. " You know what this sword is called? I call it " Slaughter ". Perfect name don't you think? For a blade that I've used to kill more than thousand people at the very least. Ha! Even with you as a dragon you won't be able to kill me."

The dragon ignored that statement and charged at Randy. It roared again as it tried to hit Randy with its tail. Randy simply tried to slash it with his sword but it backfired and caused him to crash into a wall. The dragon smiled evilly. Everyone in the room started to run away from the fight. All except Randy and the dragon.

" What the hell was that?!" Asked Lucy shouting.

Tatsuki looked back. " I don't know but..." said Tatsuki as she ran.

" But what?" Asked Erza, also running.

" There's a chance that could be my brother." Said Tatsuki.

Everyone looked at her in shock. Then they stopped to look at the battle between the dragon and the demon.

The dragon opened its mouth and from it came a flame blast which hit Randy and broke a wall. Randy tried guarding against it but it failed yet again.

" AAAAAAAHHHHHH! DAMN IT! I should have killed you when I had the chance. A mistake I won't make again!" Said Randy.

The dragon lifted it's claw to slash Randy.

" Shadow Grab!" Shouted Randy who was still in the wall. He clutched his fist.

From under the dragon came a purple spell circle and from it sprouted a giant shadow hand. It grabbed the dragon from the stomach and it began to squeeze tightly.

" Now you can die!" Shouted Randy as he smiled.

The dragon struggled violently trying to get out of the hand's grip but it made no difference, it was still getting tighter. Then the dragon looked up at Randy. It smiled. It opened its mouth and from there came another fire blast. Randy immediately dodged it and then the dragon spread it's wings. It flapped them a couple of times trying to take off but it didn't work. Then it started to flap them even faster. The hand was stretching from the spell circle. It was starting to break.

" What?! Impossible!" Shouted a Randy as he tried to keep hold on the shadow hand.

The hand, after struggling to keep itself in place, broke away from its spell circle and dissapeared. The dragon looked at Randy once again. It smiled. It began to fly right at him spreading it's arms for a slash attack. Randy tried flying away when he saw the dragon, but it failed and the dragon slashed his back sending him into another wall. Part of armor broke in various places including his chest and his helmet. He took the helmet off and threw it far away from him.

" YOU ASSHOLE! YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THIS! YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS! " Shouted Randy who was still lounging in the broken wall. He coughed some blood soon after those words were said.

Guards came in the room with their black armor and spears. Once they noticed Randy, they ran towards the dragon and attacked it. One of them stopped at Randy to help him up.

" Master! We need to activate the titan." Said one of them.

Randy coughed yet again." I guess you're right... guards hold him off for me." Commanded Randy. The other guard took him away from the room carrying him on his shoulder.

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