Chapter 9: The Forest

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Erza, Natsu, Happy, and I stood there as the fox girl stayed in front of us really excitedly for some reason. I sheathed my blade. She looked very happy to see me. Me of all people. I thought most people would be a bit surprised by the dragon arm and tail but I've never seen anyone as exited as her to see a half-dragon before. She was preety cute, especially with those yellow fox ears and her blonde hair and her twin tails. She had a red coat that stood above more than anything, these blue eyes that looked like shining diamonds, and a black vest, and a white long-sleeve shirt, two huge katanas, and a golden yellow fox tail that swung around. 

All I could do was stare at her

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All I could do was stare at her. Until I realized she was staring directly at my dragon arm. I began to put my arm behind me. 

Then I asked " Uh, can I ask a question? Um, two actually."

She pointed her ears at me and her tail flicked to one side. And she answered " Yeah sure, just as long you can answer one of mine." With a smile.

She seemed really nice. I blushed bit. " Uh, yeah. What is your name? And why do you keep staring at my arm?" I asked as I tried not to say anything stupid. I lounged on my tail that was spiked towards the floor.

She kept looking at my arm before she answered. " The name's Minako."

Minako. Such a beautiful name.

" And to answer your other question. I'm looking at your arm because I've never seen a half-blood."

Huh?  A half-blood?  That's something I don't think I've ever heard before in my life.

I got up from my tail and looked at her eyes. Truth be told, I am confused. A forest in the middle of nowhere, and a fox girl. This just keeps getting weirder.

" Well you do have a dragon's arm and tail don't you? So you are a half-blood right?"

Her eyes began to get anime sparkly with wonder, kind of like a child with wonder for the world. I don't think she was lying about seeing another half-blood. Before I could answer Takatsuki, Lucy,Yoshino, and Grey finally got out of the bunker place. " Argh. About time." Grey commented as he climbed out. Yoshino followed and Tatsuki came out last. I looked at Minako and she unsheathed her swords and charged at Grey. Grey used his maker magic to summon an ice shield that was preety useless since Minako just sliced right through it. And she sliced Grey a couple of times, missing miraculously. And Grey backed away.

Minako prepared to slice again, but before she could I grabbed her hand. " Stop. What are you doing?!" I asked her worriedly. 

  She looked at me with a serious face, before turning back to her normal self. She blushed a bit. I let go of her hand. I blushed a bit too. She sheathed her swords and cleared her throat. " Sorry about that." She bowed and started apologizing to Grey. Grey just accepted the apology and still looked a bit worried. Tatsuki looked at me with her brown eyes as if she was angry at me for some reason. I backed off a bit. Minako got behind me for some reason. Until I realized that Tatsuki was giving her death stare to Minako. I was a tiny bit relieved.

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