Headcanons #4

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- Roman: *singing*

Opal: *slaps him* stfu

Roman: Bitch i was killing that shit

Opal: Killing my eardrums

- Tyler is sweet until he starts drinking....

- Vanessa can summon Satan if you ask her nicely

- Storm teaches kids how to swim. Tyler loves it and after every lesson, he brings the kids cupcakes

- Roman and Laurence adopting a kid but Laurence having to take of it since Roman can't even remember to feed himself

- Comet communicates only using memes. Everyone finds this annoying

- Opal has a crush but if you ask her about it she'll run away

- Charles can play soccer really well

- The reason Angelica hates horses so much is because a ponyta bullied her a lot when she was younger

- Elliot thinks birds are cool. He once kept a small bluebird as a pet and named it Bella

- The Admin will fail all of her finals

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