The eeveelutions if they went to school

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Angelica- The kid that loves everyone no matter what they did. 99% pure. That 1% is only seen by those who know them well. Get's A's-B's

Comet- That one white kid that screams outdated memes in class. Part of most of the sports teams, even if they suck. Gets B's- C's

Storm- Your average joe. Doesn't stand out much and has a small friend group that he cherishes. Gets B's

Roman- The cool kid who throws the best parties, but is also gay. You either love him or hate him. Gets C's (sometimes B's)

Elliot- The nerdy kid who knows everything. Gets paid to hack report cards and test grades. Due to his stellar academics and conduct, the teachers don't suspect him. Gets straight A'S

Laurence- The edgy kid who always sits in the back of the class. Doesn't pay attention, but still manages to get great grades. Lowkey gay. Gets A's-B's

Dexter and Oculus- The pair of twins that always stick together. Teachers and fellow classmates always confuse them. Gets a wide range of grades (A's-C's)

Opal- The quiet kid who always has their nose in a book or in her drawing pad. Doesn't "try enough" to get better grades. Gets B's

Tyler- The hyper kid who is always having way to much fun. Is super philosophical at 2AM. Gets A's-B's

Vanessa- The kid that is known for being a teacher's pet. Always seems super important but really isn't. Gets A's

Tag yourself I'm opal

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