Headcannons #3

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- Roman can speak fluent Spanish. Laurence finds it hot

- Elliot has a slight British accent

- Tyler is the mom friend

- Angelica can't sing. At all

- On the contrary, Laurence can sing quite well

- Opal is the type of person who can down a whole bottle of vodka and not get even slightly tipsy

- Comet can rap like a god, but can't read for shit

- The Twins are asexual.....when they're sober

- Vanessa actually hates being vegan, but does it so that she doesn't gain weight

- Tyler and the twins go out on hiking trips together every now and then. It usually ends up with Tyler hurting himself and the twins dragging him home

- Elliot and Laurence watch the sunrise together because they did it all the time in highschool. Roman watches from a distance due to him being overprotective. Laurence doesn't know this

- Angelica, Tyler, and Roman being the fashion police

- Opal needs glasses, but she doesn't use them because she thinks they're a nuisance

- Elliot loves to write poetry, and opal will sometimes help him

- Angelica hates the fact that she has floppy ears, and wishes that she looked normal

- Storm is very shy and hates confrontation

- The Admin should be studying right now

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