Eevelutions' studying habits

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In case you were wondering why these are all school related is because idk why but I was going to do this school AU thing but I kinda put it aside

Angelica- Studies with friends 2-3 days in advance

Comet- Studies the period before or doesn't study at all

Storm- Studies 1-2 days in advance

Roman- Doesn't study at all because "studying is for nerdy peasants"

Elliot- Studies weeks in advance. (Ex. If you have a test on chapters 1-3 he'll already be studying for chapters 7-9)

Laurence- Studies 3 days in advance. Is usually trying to get Roman to study (it doesn't work)

Dexter and Oculus- Study together and will switch places during a test if one of them doesn't know the answer. Studies 2 days in advance

Opal- Studies 3 days in advance

Tyler- Will study the night before and will freak out because he's probably missing half the notes

Vanessa- Already knows what's on the test because the teacher told her. Reviews the day before "just to be sure she knows it all"

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