Dare #3

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Angelica- New day, same routine guys! We got a dare, who wants it?

Dexter and Oculus- *in sync* we got it Angie. From spinyrhino ,"I dare Laurence and Roman to get a threesome with Angie." Holy shit nice and kinky we like it.

Angelica- *blushes* u-uh uhhhhhhh


Laurence- .................. o_o

Roman- LETS GO FAMILIA *grabs Angie and Laurence's paws and leads them to a bedroom*

Seto- Gl Angie, you're gonna need it

Angelica- heeeeeeee this is gonna be fun

Laurence- whywhywhywhy

*~30 min later*

Roman- *comes out of bedroom* that.was.amazing. WE SHOULD DO THAT MORE GUYS

Angelica- *has a big grin on her face while staring into space* ~

Laurence- .......................

Seto- Well, I think now is a good time for me to leave, take care guys! *flies away*

Angelica- *snaps out of daydream* OH BYE SETO SEE YA

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