Tag urself

291 6 9

spinyrhino your dare is like 70% I promise

A jellical cat:

- The youngest in the squad
- Pure
- Lowkey kinky


- Boring
- 99.9% straight
- Average at everything


- Stereotypical white boy
- Still uses "XD"
- wEED

Roman Numerals:

- Gaaaaaaay
- Is drunk 90% of the time
- "Wait that was due today?"

Elliot Benson:

- Sketch
- Boooooksss
- Has no friends


- oW the eDGE
- Also gay
- Determined af

Double trouble:

- Always finishes each other sentences
- Creepy af
- Just wants some love

Opal essence:

- ?????
- Never talks
- Didn't get enough hugs as a kid

Why ty:

- Gay x10
- Mom friend
- "Plz stop fighting"


- Basic
- Teacher's pet
- Veeeegan


- Living meme
- Stephen King enthusiast
- Lowkey crazy cat lady

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