OC Tag (Featuring Roman)

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Hello everybody! I was looking at Sword-wielding-gamer Deviant art account and I found an OC tag. I decided that I wanted to do it with the gay playboy himself, Roman! So...... enjoy!

1. What is your name?

Roman- It's Roman! What's Gucci?

2. Do you know why you were named that?

Roman- My old trainer named me after some kinda anime character from a show called RWBY. Idk what it is but it sounds cool

3. Are you single or taken?

Roman- Eh, I'm more of a one night stand kinda guy, so single for now

4. Have any abilities or powers?

Roman- Well I'm a flareon, so there's that. Unless you count taking Pokemon's virginity as a power.

5. Stop being a Mary Sue!

Roman- What's that? Sounds awful

6. What's your eye color?

Roman- Brownish-black, like a normal flareon

7. How about hair color?

Roman- You mean fur? Orange-red, kinda like a scarlet and some cream on my neck and tail

8. Have any familiy members?

Roman- Not that I remember....

9. Oh? How about pets?

Roman- I have none, but this Umbreon named Laurence is kinda like a pet~

10. That's cool. Now how about something you don't like?

Roman- Cold water, Laurence when he's being an ass, and being called fat

11. Do you have any activities/hobbies you like to do?

Roman- Besides pimpin hoes and bothering Laurence? Running is fun, and don't tell the others, but sometimes, I like to dream about the future and listen to some violin.

12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?

Roman- I don't think so.....

13. Ever...killed anyone before?

Roman- Only their virginity~

14. What kind of animal are you?

Roman- I'm a Pokémon ya nimrod

15. Name your worst habits.

Roman- I can be super loud and obnoxious, but I think you guys already knew that

16. Do you look up to anyone at all?

Roman- Nah

17. Are you gay, straight, or bisexual?

Roman- Gay, but sometimes I'll have some hot sex with a chick

18. Do you go to school?

Roman- Idk what that is. Like a Mary-sue, it sounds awful

19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?

Roman- Well Pokemon don't really marry, but yes, I would like kids one day

20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?

Roman- Not that I know of~

21. What do you usually wear?

Roman- Nothing, but sometimes, I have this black and white fedora that I wear when I go out

22. What's one food that tempts you?

Roman- Tyler makes these amazing Chocolate chip cookies. Ugh, they're sooo good *drools*

23. Am I annoying you?

Roman- Eh, not really

24. Well, it's still not over!

Roman- Okay?

25. What class are you? (low class, middle class, high class)

Roman- I have no clue

26. How many friends do you have?

Roman- A good amount.

27. What are your thought on pie?

Roman- It's good~

28. Favorite drink?

Roman- Water. You weren't expecting that I assume

29. What's your favorite place?

Roman- The park when the sun starts to set

30. Are you intrested in anyone?

Roman- .................

31. That was a stupid question.

Roman- Nah, you were just curious.

32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?

Roman- I'd rather be dead

33. What's your type?

Roman- I got none. I'm a flexible guy~

34. Camping or indoors?

Roman- Camping sounds fun!

Annnd that's all! Hope you guys enjoyed this!

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