Dare #2 (and a comment)

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Angelica- Wow another dare! Let's keep this up guys! Hey Storm, you wanna read it?

Storm- *looks up from laptop* oh sure Angie. *opens up paper* oh it's for our admin from spinyrhino . It says, "Add a rowlet and Laurence you have no fans." Pfttt

Laurence- Rood =_=

Me: Well this is Ask/Dare eeveelutions but since you've been carrying this book, I guess I'll let one join for about 3 ask and/or dares. Angie, call your rowlet friend please

Angelica- Sure! *calls friend* "hey man, mind dropping in for a bit? You will, great!" *ends call*

Rowlet- *flies in* u called?

Angelica- Yep, thanks man!

Rowlet- No problem! Hi everyone I'm Seto! I'll be here for a few questions, so ask away!

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