Story # 37: Fallen Crest Family

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I know this is off Topic. But this is a Review Book and Idc if you know or don't know what Story I am talking about. If my mind is clouded after a Story, I need to get it out or it would do damage on my sleep. One thing I could say is, it's worth it.

I'll be just putting the Link here. Seriously, you won't be able to read it unless you buy it. ;)

or you can go to her Wattpad Account and read the First Chapter of this Story there.



I hated it at first. I thought I wasted my hard earned Money on something that is good enough to read (perfect even) but too much for me to handle. I don't handle Demons that good. I just don't deal with them. I'd rather always try to use skip buttons that deal with something I know that would only take my sanity away from me. But I'm glad I continued. Safe to say that I have fallen in love with Mason even more than ever. I melted the first time I read the words, "I love you," from him to Sam. And I undestand why a lot of girls hates/hated Sam that much because she has the only guy in this world that could protect any girl from her own Demons. I hate Sam for it. I wish I have him. I wish a guy like him would swept in for me. The reason I stopped (almost) reading is because of what happened to Sam. I hated Helen's character before but now I have never hated a character in a Story before but sorry Analise. You suck. You major ball sucks! And I am happy despite Sam's unlucky to have a Mother like Analise, she's lucky to have a guy like Mason Kade to commit to her. Mason Kade is not afraid of his own Demons. That is what makes him Mason. I get it now. I wish he's real. That's my Birthday wish. Thinking about Mason Kade makes me cry. Fallen Crest Family made me cry. The first I thought about Fallen Crest High was nothing too emotional. But this is heavy. It was too heavy for me. But I finished it. In a Day. Tomorrow I am going to start on Fallen Crest Public and be damned because I still have Fallen Crest Alternate Version to buy and read.

You wanna know what's best part about this Series? You could be Sam. You could be in her place. You can start to think like her and think of what the fearsome-foursome would do. I thought Nate was being an ass because Sam and the Parker thing but now... it's always because of Sam. Becky is right. It would always be because of Sam.

Tijan created the BEST CHARACTERS ever! It would such a waste for this not to be turned into something real. People needs to read this. I don't think anyone could possibly dislike this.



Do you want me to seriously rate this? Even if I don't have anything, I'd sell my soul just to buy this. Because Mason is worth it. He would always be worth it.

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