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Athena The Greek goddess of wisdom. Roman form: Minerva

Chiron Centaur, son of Gaia

Dionysus The Greek god of wine and parties. Roman form: Bacchus

Ephialtes A small giant, twin brother of Otis, son of Gaia and Tartarus. Born to destroy Dionysus

Gaia The Grek goddess of the Earth. She turned evil to gain revenge on the gods for killing her children, the titans. Roman form: Terra

Hades The Greek god of the Underworld and the dead. Roman form: Pluto

Hecate The Greek goddess of magic. She was a titan earlier, but was blessed by Zeus for helping the Gods fight Kronos. Roman form: Trivia

Hephaestus The Greek god of fire and blacksmiths. Roman form: Vulcan

Iris The Greek goddess of rainbows, messenger of the gods.  Roman form: Iris

Kronos Titan who killed Ouranus, and was killed by the Gods. Roman form: Saturn

Nike The Greek goddess of Victory, Zeus’ charioteer. Roman form: Victoria

Nyx The Greek goddess of night. Roman form: Night

Otis A small giant, twin brother of Ephialtes, son of Gaia and Tartarus. Born to destroy Dionysus

Poseidon The Greek god of the sea. Roman form: Neptune

Tartarus The god of the endless pit, husband of Gaia

Zeus The Greek god of the sky, king of the gods. Roman form: Jupiter

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