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until he saw the chasing goddess.

For a start to the gloroius fight, they had run away. Now, they were hiding behind a

wall, while Annabeth gave them insructions, as to how to go about her plan. She

told Leo, "Build that fast! If Nike finds out what we're doing, she'll be after us. I

don't reckon we'll have enough time to go by the plan then. Percy," she turned to

him. "run around the arena. Hide behind walls and turn around as many corners as

you can. Run away from me, chase me, act as if you're fighting a war. Take Leo

with you." She nodded at Leo, who had already started building what Annabeth

had asked him to build.

"Waaaiit... Why do we have to run? And what about you?" Percy asked, hoping he

would get to give her orders. Sadly, he doubted it.

"I'll be running the other way, fighting you, alone."

"Alone? C'mon! Nike'll get you!"

Annabeth smirked wickedly, making Percy glad he was not on her bad side.

"I'll take care of the goddess. Go by the prophecy, remember?"

Percy nodded and called Leo. "Just a sec... gotcha!" Leo cheered. He had built a

small, round metallic machine, with a teeny red light beeping on the top. Percy had

to admit it was remarkable that Leo could build that in seconds. Leo scooted over

to them. He had the long wire in his hand, the one he and Percy had made before

entering the coliseum. One end had already been fastened to the machine. In Leo's

other hand, there was a small remote with a red button.

Leo grinned. "The main one done! Now I just gotta get the other one's up and


"Oooohhhh," Percy realized. "So that's why we need to run around."

"Don't always run. You need to act like you're fighting, so that Nike doesn't get to

know what we're up to." Annabeth said.

Leo had already started on the second one, when Nike's voice roared, "ARE YOU


"Ready?" Leo asked nervously.

Together they stepped out of their hiding place. Nike was at her judging desk,

holding a scroll of parchment and some writing tool (probably Olympian Pens, or

something). Nike shouted, "Let the war... BEGIN!"

Leo Valdez and the House of NyxWhere stories live. Discover now