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The three of them stood back to back, as the animals approached. Percy had Riptide, Annabeth had her dagger, and Leo had a knife. Percy was just going to ask them what the plan was, when Leo said, “I’m taking on the leopard.”

“Easy for you to say,” Annabeth chided.

“No, seriously – I think I can reason with it. Like, I’m a Leo, that’s a Leo–pard. See ya soon!”

He waved t the leopard and led it to the far corner of the room. Helpful.

Annabeth charged to the other corner, leading a hydra. Which left Percy with two hydras.

One lunged, and Percy knelt down and cut off one of his heads. The thing you need to know while fighting hydras – you cut a head, it gets replaced by two more. Two more heads replaced the one he cut off. All heads spit acid, and Percy had to roll awayquickly as the acid spits chased him like darts. He then got up and stood between the two hydras. They both lunged for him, while he barely made it out from between them, and the hydras smashed into eachother, spitting acid. Soon, both became piled of dust and disintegrated.

The Big F clapped his hands together and laughed. Percy looked over to him. He was at the control panel, hitting switches and making the third hydra do all sorts of tricks. Percy lunged for the giant and hacked at his feet. From the corner of his eye, he saw Leo lunge for Otis – apparently his ‘Leo–pard’ idea had worked – and pierce the back of his knee.

Ephialtes bellowed in pain as Percy slashed off his snakeheads. He then rolled between the giants’ legs and jabbed Riptide into the back of his thigh. Ephialtes brought out his spear and aimed it at Percy’s chest. Percy was just a millisecond away from becoming demigod-muck, when his instincts took over and he rolled aside. For giants, the twins’ were quick. Just as Ephialtes brought down his spear again, Percy slashed at it with Riptide. Their weapons met in a deadly clash. Percy rose to one knee and deflected the spear. He then jumped and cut the spear into half. About fifty feet away, the spear began to reform. Ephialtes ran for it. Percy jumped on the control panel and shut down all the switches the Big F had hit.

Annabeth was doing good – the hydra was slowly getting tangled as she dodged. Leo was also doing good. He was on the giant’s shoulder. Percy found a switch that said claws down! and hit it. He dragged the claw to Otis and clamped it around his neck. Otis was slowly being lifted off the ground. Leo said “Wicked!” and cut off the giants’head. Otis disintegrated. From behind Percy, Ephialtes roared, “Brother, no! JACKSON!”

Percy turned too slowly. He just had enough time to see a big spear come down over him. A searing pain infiltrated his chest. His stomach turned to acid. His knees buckled. He looked down and saw that his shirt was ripped. There was a gash across his chest. He looked up and saw the Big F smiling at something behind him. Percy looked over his shoulder and saw Otis reforming. Leo was backing away from him.

“Ha ha! Jackson, you cannot kill us! You have no god by your side!” The Big F laughed.

He was right. They could not defeat giants without a god’s help. Percy leaned over the control panel and accidentally pressed a switch. The giant yelled, “NO!” as a key fell in front of Percy.

A key.

Percy glanced behind the giant. He saw a door. The door had a keyhole.

The Big F glared at him. “Oh, no you DON’T!” he grabbed for Percy, who ducked under and ran for the door. “Annabeth! Leo! Come on! Before it’s too late!”

Annabeth ducked under the hydra and ran towards him. Leo joined her. Percy unlocked the door and gave way to his friends to go in. Just as the twins made a grab for them, Percy slid in and locked the door.

Inside was pure dark, with only the sound of the giants rapping against the door.

“Phew!” Leo’s voice sighed. “Now, will someone tell me what exactly we learnt from there?”

“We got  key to this place,” Annabeth’s voice said.

“Yeah, right.” Leo grumbled.

Percy thought about the prophecy. “Leo?” he said. “You need to find a way to light up this place. It’s in the prophecy. Then we’ll be able to find the cure.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I can do that,” Leo agreed. “But what about the night part? I mean, it’s not yet night. It’s probably way into the afternoon, right?”

But! A lady’s voice said. It boomed, as if it was coming from the whole room. You have to face me first. I imagine you mean Night with a capital ‘N’, for I am the one! I am Nyx, the darkness of night!



So! That's the next chapter!

My cheekbones are hurting.... I was laughing so much while writing this!

Especially the Leo-pard idea! I dunno... it just came to me! Oh, Leo dearest!

Anyway... the next chapter is the main climax of the story! You don't want to miss it.  ^_^

Keep voting and commenting!

QuickQuestion: Who do you think is the better God : Poseidon or... Athena??
I've always wondered what others think :)

Anywhoos keep 'em comin'!

Yours truly,
The Dark Lord

Leo Valdez and the House of NyxWhere stories live. Discover now