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Double update -  how d'yu like me now? B-)



The words had barely left his mouth when Annabeth and Blackjack burst out laughing. Percy was pretty sure his face turned red. The statue sprung aside, and a stone trapdoor opened up. Percy urged Blackjack through the trapdoor, but Blackjack almost doubled over, laughing.

"Woah! Hey, bud, I don't appreciate you laughing at me and trying to throw me over," he scolded.

Sorry, boss. Truly am. I wasn't laughin' at ya, boss. I wouldn't. Your friend back there started laughin', reason I started too. Laughin's contagious, boss! Even for pegasi like me!

"Apology accepted," Percy said. He loved Blackjack for being optimistic.

By the way, nice place! Secret, huh?

They swooped throught the hole, with Annabeth laughing behind Percy. "Grover, king of enchiladas... what sort of a password is that, Seaweed Brain!" On the word 'pass', she punched Percy in the back, making him bump into Blackjack's neck. She continued laughing away. Naturally.

OW, boss! My precious neck! Is that girl gonna chill or what?Blackjack yelped.

"Sorry, big guy. Won't happen again," Percy assured him.

Percy's face felt hot. He had kept that password because his satyr friend Grover had insisted. Plus it even reminded him about Grover. Now Annabeth, Grover's second best friend, was making fun of Percy for keeping that password. Percy didn't like people making fun of him. He never did.

They reached the bottom of the hideout – a big, spacious room. Where ten Festus's could easily fit, with room for a half more. They flew to a corner and threw Annabeth – literally threw her – against the wall. She hit it with a nauseating THUD!, but Percy didn't care. He thought she deserved it. He was mad at her for teasing him and Grover, his best friend in the world. Now she would tell Leo, and he would make jokes about him.

"Gak! Percy!" Annabeth whimpered. "What was that for? That hurt! Percy! "

But Percy and Blackjack were already soaring up the trapdoor. They broke through the surface, and Percy scanned the sky.

S'up, boss? Ya see Festy and Leo?Blackjack neighed.

"Not yet..."

Hey, in'nat them?Blackjack nudged his head towards a large shadow heading their way. Percy squinted, and he saw the dark figure of a dragon. The dragon closed in quickly, and soon it was right beside him.

Festy! Blackjack whinnied.

Blackjack veered to the left as Festus the dragon flew over to their right. He veered so fast that Percy almost slid off his back. He yelled.

Festus began to descend roughly. Blackjack backed off roughly, almost throwing Percy into the fountain. "Get to the ground, bud!" he told Blackjack.

Festy's got a landin' prob, boss! Blackjack lowered towards the lawn. A moment after he touched down, Festus blew fire and began to drop. If Blackjack hadn't moved, they would've become a Pegasus/Demigod Dragon-Sized Omlette.

Blackjack flew sideways to the centre of the lawn. He landed and stumbled, almost sending both of them out on the highway the hard way. Fortunately, the Pegasus was light on his feet and regained balance. Festus blew fire again, this time nearly frying them. Blackjack galloped away. They both yelled and stumbled.

Leo Valdez and the House of NyxWhere stories live. Discover now