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THE GOLDEN GLOW IN PERCY'S EYES FADED. His head slumped forward and he would have hit his head on a rock, if Annabeth hadn't pinned him against the wall. She grabbed his shoulders and steadied him. Percy groaned and looked up.

"Uh." He put his hands on his temples. "What happened?"

"Eidolons," Annabeth gasped. "Posessing spirits. Sit down."

She helped Percy to the fire Leo had made before the eidolon attack. Leo was still unconscious. Annabeth straightened him so that he was leaning against the wall. She force fed him some nectar and sat down in front of the fire.

She handed some nectar to Percy. After he took a swig, she asked,"Do you remember the fight?"

Percy knit his eyebrows. "Um, yeah, but it all seemed so unreal. Like a dream."

"Like a dream." Annabeth repeated. She stared at the fire, wondering if she'd just angered all the eidolons in the Underworld.

"Hey," Percy said. "You did great. If you hadn't fought it , I would've died." His gaze then fell to his knees. He slowly said, "Uh, sorry I attacked you earlier. That wasn't me."

Annabeth nodded and managed a smile.

"Actually," she sat forward. "I've been thinking about the prophecy. It's all twisted. Wisdom defeated Victory first. Before the Night part."

Percy frowned and nodded. "And the cure, death's cheater, did not get released after that. Wow, this is the first prophecy I've ever heard where everything's twisted."

He then clapped his hands together. "So! Now we have to face Night. That's it, right?"

Such hopefulness, Annabeth did not want to destroy, even with the growing uneasiness inside her. "Now, you need sleep, Seaweed Brain. Good night. I'll keeep watch."

"Uh, no. I'll do it. Please. Just... wanna get my mind off whatever happened today."

Annabeth could relate to that. She lay down and closed her eyes, immediately drifting into a good sleep.

That night, she slept without nightmares. When she woke up, she rubbed her eyes groggily and looked around. Percy was feeding Blackjack a Burger pattie. She looked over to where Leo was passed out, only to find the place empty. She got up and scanned the whole area, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Leo? Leo! Percy, have you seen Leo?" Annabeth cried. Percy shrugged and spun around wildly, searching for him.

"Even Festus has been gone. I dunno where," he said.

Panic closed her throat. "Percy! We gotta – gotta –" Annabeth started, when Percy pointed.

A rope dropped down the tunnel from which they came. A teenage boy slid down. He had a backpack on his shoulder, full of supplies, apparently. He grinned and took a bow.

"People of the Hideout!" he spread his hands. "Leo's back!"


A/N :

Here's the next chapter! I know it's too short and boring but hey, I just needed to somehow connect the story right! 

Oh, and I've read a few of your comments on your godly parents! Keep 'em coming!

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You Know Who (wink, wink)

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