(18) / ɬɧɛ ɖɛνıƖ

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so idk if it seems like chat/adrien cries easily or is hurt easily, and if so, your thoughts on that will increase after you read this chapter, but he's an abused boy who has ... not really an emotion problem, but has sensitive feelings; everything feels like a threat to him. this is so frustrating, i don't know how to explain it, but you get the gist, right? - edited.


I stood next to M'Ladybug, the dark moon illuminating the beautiful girl standing next to me. Her features were soft and kind, her cozy blue eyes I could get lost in shone with brilliance. She looked over at me and I blushed, quickly turning away so she wouldn't see, at the fact that I got caught staring.

"Paris seems safe today ..." she said awkwardly.

Not knowing how to answer that, I nodded. We had just finished our patrol and had just decided to stay a bit longer, enjoy the peace.

"Hey, Ladybug ... can I ask you something?" I said, a question that suddenly ignited a fire of curiosity burning in me.

"Sure," she said, looking at me. "Anything."

I looked away, feeling stupid as my voice shook. "When ... when Volpina was akumatized and she ... she 'took' Adrien," I added quotation marks around took, seeing as it was just an illusion, "why did you ... give up so easily?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, her eyes now showing confusion.

"I mean, usually, we'd try to do something—find a way out quickly. But you were so ready to give up your miraculous for such a pathetic," my voice cracked, "a patheticstupididiot that ... can't even—whose just an introverted loser." I said every word with hatred and disgust, feeling tears gather at my eyes. However, Ladybug had turned too enraged to notice.

Her facial expression turned into one of absolute anger. "What's wrong with you, Chat Noir? You don't even know the guy! How could you say that—be so mean to someone you don't even know! As a matter of fact, I know him in my civilian life and he is nothing you just described. Don't call him pathetic, and definitely don't call him a loser! He's a kind-hearted and sweet person and don't you dare speak bad of him. Why the hell are you so quick to judge?" She shouted, ending her rant with a fed-up scoff and swinging away.

Feeling horrible about having upset LB, I clenched my fists, still thinking about what she said. I know Ladybug? And she thinks good of me. But would you still do so through knowing that Adrien was the 'judgmental' Chat Noir? The tears that had gathered at my eyes began falling down, and I did nothing to stop them.


"Cheer up! You know Ladybug in real life. The best part is, you barely know anyone from outside school, so you may even have the same classes as her," Plagg said, shocking me because he just broke his sarcastic demeanor. "And she thinks your 'kind-hearted and sweet.' "

I ignored him. He was trying to help, but it did nothing.

Suddenly, "ADRIEN!" I heard Father shout and winced in fear. My body trembled as I walked downstairs.

"Y-yes?" I felt like a servant, abused to obey and threatened to stay. Just thinking about it makes me red with anger, I was his little pet.

Kitty won't step out of line lest he be kicked out. Shut up.

Nothing more than a pet, an item, an object, to use and then to discard. Shut. Up.

Scared cat can run down the streets in a petty mask, but that doesn't make him any less of an embarrassment. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

I'd stopped walking as my hands gripped the banister tightly, making my knuckles turn white. Be quiet.

Let's all be a hero, everyone loves a hero. Heroes are great. They save people. Not you, little kitty. And let's face it, would they still do so in knowing who's hiding under that adorable little mask?

I vaguely heard my father shouting my name again, impatient and angry.

Explode like the atom bomb you are. Go on, let that volcano just—

"I said to shut up!" I screamed, clutching my head. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut the hell up, you devil!"

(Note-Abuse, Cussing.)

And suddenly Father's in front of me, in all his towering glory. "What did you say, you little piece of s**t!!?"

My breathing turned rapid, faster than before. That didn't just happen. This didn't just happen. I didn't just—

Then I'm screaming for him to stop, screaming for it to end, screaming for everything to just finish.

"I raise you and feed you and home you! I am your father, you have a roof above your head, you f**king spoiled good-for-nothing s**tty brat! Others have it way worse yet you still find the decency to complain, you f**king cowardly pig! Motherf**kers like you deserve to be killed, roasted in hell, you f**king waste-of-breath!!" And he never stopped.

He whipped me and he burnt me and hurt me and he killed me. He was the typhoon, the tsunami, the hurricane, the earthquake, the eruption, the disaster. And all the weather forecast ever does is say there'll be more—worse, way worse; and they're never wrong.

He was the villain, the monster, the evil, the bad, the murderer, the protagonist; he was the devil and I was his demon.

And that day, that horrible day that will never stop haunting my nightmares; that day was the worst I had since he first began abusing me, since mom had died.

is it bad that i enjoy writing this sick, twisted story? - edited.

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